Water Heater Wednesday: Water Heater RepairĀ 

Although water heaters are super sturdy and durable appliances, they work hard almost every single day. This daily use can and does cause them to develop problems and small malfunctions over time. This is totally normal! If you notice a problem with your hot water heater, its important that you call Masterflo for water heater repair immediately! We have the experience, skills, and tools necessary to fix your hot water heater before it becomes irreparable. The longer a problem with your water heater is allowed to continue, the worse it will get. If the problem goes on long enough, you may have to replace your entire unit!

Here are some common water heater repair issues:

  • Leaks- Leaks are a very common water heater repair issue. There are many areas of your hot water heater that can spring a leak. Bad valves and loose pipe junctions are the most common cause of leaks. If your hot water heater springs a leak in the main tank, this can be a huge problem! A small leak in your hot water heater can quickly turn into a big disaster. A leak in the main tank is usually caused by rust and can eventually lead to your whole tank exploding. If you see any leaks- even a small one- have it repaired immediately!
  • Low output- If your hot water heater is suddenly not keeping up with your demand for hot water, it could mean a variety of things. You could have a dirty burner assembly that is having trouble igniting all of the jets. This would significantly lower the temperature of the water in the tank. You could also have a large buildup of sediment in your tank. Because the cause of low output is hard to determine, its important to call a trust professional immediately to pinpoint and fix the issue.

If you have any of these water heater repair issues, be sure to call us at Masterflo! You can trust us to accurately correct your water heater problem the first time around! With years of experience repairing and replacing water heaters, we can take care of all your hot water heater needs. Call us today at (678) 822-7095!



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