Signs of Sewer Repair

Signs of Sewer Repair

All of the drains and drain pipes in your home eventually go to the same place- they all connect to one big pipe called the sewer drain. While most of us never even give it a second thought, the sewer drain is perhaps the single most used piece of plumbing in your home! It gets so much use because it has to handle every single drop of waste water from your home. In most homes with modern day plumbing, the sewer drain is buried underneath your property. Fortunately, this means you don’t have to see it! Unfortunately, this can make it hard to detect small problems before they become large, disastrous problems. Today we’re going to talk about a few signs that you can be on the lookout for to let you know if you need sewer repair!

Signs you need sewer repair:

  • Soggy patches in your yard- If your sewer line is leaking, then a ton of extra water is going to be getting leaked out underneath your yard. All this extra water will create soggy patches in your yard, even if it hasn’t rained recently.
  • Lush patches in your yard- All the extra water underneath your yard will help your vegetation to flourish. If you notice patches of grass, flowers, or other plants that are growing rapidly it may mean that there is extra water underneath from a sewer line leak.
  • Odor- This one is a no brainer! If you smell any noxious odors in your yard or around your property it could possibly be a sign of a sewer line leak.
  • Stubborn drain clogs- If you have multiple drains that are clogged and you’ve tried all the typical drain clog solutions and the clogs are still there, you may have a major clog in your sewer pipe. Like we mentioned above, all your drains lead to the sewer line. If there’s a major clog in your sewer pipe, it will eventually affect all your other drains.


If you believe you may have sewer problems, don’t hesitate until you have a plumbing disaster on your hands. Call the trusted experts at Masterflo Plumbing today. We’ll come out quickly and assess your sewer line. If you have a sewer problem, we’ll check it out and determine the best course of action to get your sewer line repaired quickly.

If you need sewer line repair call us at (678) 822-7095!


Sewer Line Repairs

Sewer Line Repairs

Chances are the title of this blog post make you cringe! Being a homeowner comes with many responsibilities and can, at times, be daunting. Add in some sewer problems, and you’ve got yourself a highly stressful situation! No homeowner wants to deal with sewer problems and sewer line repairs. Even electrical problems or heating and air conditioning problems sound more appealing! If sewer line problems and sewer line repair has got you stressing out, don’t worry. Sewer line repair doesn’t need to cause a nervous breakdown if you call a professional plumber. Calling a professional plumber skilled and experienced in sewer line repair can take the hassle out of it for you. At Masterflo we have the skills and experience necessary to repair your sewer line quickly and correctly the first time!


While we can take care of any problems you may have with your sewer line, only you can spot problems! Keep an eye out for the following signs that you may need sewer line repair:


  • Slow drains- If your sinks, tubs, and showers are draining slowly, you may not immediately be alerted to the fact that there’s a problem. In fact, a slow drain may be nothing more than a small clog that you can fix yourself. However, if you begin experiencing slow drains around your entire home that don’t respond to quick fixes, it may be time to call a professional plumber! You may simply have a tough clog that needs professional attention, but slow drains all around your home can also be a sign that you need sewer line repair. Slow drains may indicate that your sewer line has developed a break or a clog. If not repaired quickly, this can lead to major damage. If you have slow drains, don’t try to live with it or you could end up costing yourself lots of money in repairs!
  • Changing water levels in toilets- If that water levels in your toilets changes, you may simply chalk it up to a strange, random occurrence or you may not even notice! How much time do we really spend looking into our toilet bowls? Similar to slow drains, varying water levels in your toilet may result from a simple clog or a small object that has been flushed and gotten stuck in your pipes. However, varying water levels in your toilets may also be a sign of a much larger problem with your sewer line. If you notice changing water levels in your toilets, you may need sewer line repair!
  • Bad smells- If you’ve got foul odors coming out of your sink drains, don’t ignore it! This is one of the main signs that you have sewer drainage and are in immediate need of sewer line repair! Bad smells, particularly in the bathroom, often go ignored. However, bad smells coming out of your drain should definitely be taken seriously!
  • Water stains and foundation damage- Sewer line damage can cause major damage to the foundation or basement of your home, which can mean you may have to spend major bucks! Its always a good idea to regularly inspect your basement or foundation for signs of damage. If there is a problem, catching it early is key to minimizing damage and costs. Things to look for include excess moisture or water stains, an increase in bugs or rats. If you notice any of these signs, call a plumber immediately!



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