Water Pressure Problems

Water Pressure Problems

Getting the water pressure in your home “just right” is largely a matter of personal preference. There is a wide range for what’s considered normal when it comes to the water pressure in your home. However, there are all kinds of issues that can lead to water pressure problems in your home. These issues can cause your water pressure to be too high or too low, and should be addressed. Although low water pressure and high water pressure can be misconstrued as simple annoyances, not having the correct water pressure in your home can actually be doing some serious damage to your home’s plumbing. 

water pressure


Low Water Pressure

Low water pressure is generally first noticed in the shower. If you’ve got low water pressure in the shower it can be difficult to get clean! You may also notice low water pressure in the kitchen if it takes you awhile to fill your sink or pots. Low water pressure may also give you a whistling sound in your faucets when they’re running. 

You can determine if your water pressure is too low by getting a water pressure gauge from your local hardware store. Use the gauge to test your water pressure at your hose spigot. If its under 30 psi, you could be doing damage to your home’s plumbing.

Low pressure can be caused by several things including leaky pipes, a blockage in your pipes, or a problem with your local water municipality. All of these issues can be fixed by calling a professional plumber. Allowing these issues to fester can cause further damage to your home and property.

High Water Pressure

If the water coming out of your fixtures is painfully hard or if you hear a loud thumping sound when you turn off your water, you may have high water pressure. Anything over 80 psi is too high and could cause damage to your home. If your pressure is too high, you may have excess strain on your pipes, fittings, and fixtures. Short term, this may not be a problem, but in the long run this can cause your pipes and fittings to crack and leak. 

If you live at the bottom of a hill and water travels downhill to get to you, or if you’re near a large building with large water consumption, you may have excessively high water pressure. Generally, these problems can be fixed by having a professional plumber install a pressure regulator on your main line.

If you’re facing water pressure problems in your home, call Masterflo Plumbing today at (678) 822-7095!