Common Water Line Issues

Common Water Line Issues

Last week on the blog we talked about issues with the water pressure inside your home. Today we’re going to talk about some other common water line issues that you may face as a homeowner! The water line is the main pipe that brings water in to your home from your municipal water source. This crucial component of your home’s plumbing system is key to providing safety, sanitation, and comfort to you and your family. Generally, water lines will last a long time as they are designed to last up to a hundred years! While modern water lines are designed to last a long time, they aren’t invincible and under certain circumstances they can encounter problems. These problems can severely limit the lifespan of your water line. 

There are two very common water line issues that you may encounter as a home owner. Let’s take a look at those two issues today so that you can be aware of what to look for. 


Common Water Line Issues

  1. Tree Roots– Tree roots are always growing and looking for water sources. Usually, these water sources are natural, but not always! Tree roots seek out any water source they can find, and sometimes this can be your water line. Once tree roots find their way into your water line, they will continue to grow and expand and can eventually cause some major water line problems. Eventually, this can affect the flow of water through your pipes and can even poke holes in the pipe. Fixing this problem can be costly. The best way to avoid this problem is to have your pipes inspected every year by a professional plumber
  2. Corrosion– While modern pipes are designed to resist corrosion, they are not completely immune to every type of corrosion. Formicary and pitted corrosion can still occur in your water line. These kinds of corrosion can significantly weaken your pipes, which will eventually lead to holes and leaks. Again, the best way to combat corrosion in your water line is to have an annual inspection of your home’s plumbing system. If corrosion is caught early, it can be repaired and you can avoid having to replace your water line.

While these common water line issues can be bothersome, with the right plumber they can be fixed! Call Masterflo Plumbing today at (678) 822-7095 to schedule your annual maintenance inspection or if you suspect you may be facing one of these issues!

Water Line Issues

Water Line Isues

The water line is the main pipe that brings water in from your municipal water source into your house. This is a vital component of your home and is key in providing safety, sanitation, and comfort to you and your family. Generally, water lines will last a long time as they are designed to last up to a hundred years! While modern water lines are designed to last a long time, they aren’t invincible and under certain circumstances they can encounter problems. These problems can severely limit the lifespan of your water line. 

There are two main water line problems that you can encounter as a home owner. Let’s take a look at those two problems today so that you can be aware of what to look for. 

Water Line Issues

  1. Tree Roots– Tree roots are always growing and looking for water sources. Usually, these water sources are natural, but not always! Tree roots seek out any water source they can find, and sometimes this can be your water line. Once tree roots find their way into your water line, they will continue to grow and expand and can eventually cause some major water line problems. Eventually, this can affect the flow of water through your pipes and can even poke holes in the pipe. Fixing this problem can be costly. The best way to avoid this problem is to have your pipes inspected every year by a professional plumber
  2. Corrosion– While modern pipes are designed to resist corrosion, they are not completely immune to every type of corrosion. Formicary and pitted corrosion can still occur in your water line. These kinds of corrosion can significantly weaken your pipes, which will eventually lead to holes and leaks. Again, the best way to combat corrosion in your water line is to have an annual inspection of your home’s plumbing system. If corrosion is caught early, it can be repaired and you can avoid having to replace your water line. 

    Water line issues plague many home owners, but with the right knowledge and the right plumber, you can successfully combat water line problems in your home! To schedule your annual plumbing inspection, call the professionals you can trust at Masterflo Plumbing at (678) 822-7095!