Plumbing Statistics
Its time for another one of our fun fact posts! Today let’s talk about some plumbing statistics that may blow your mind!
- The average person spends approximately 3 years of their life on the toilet, so this post is completely applicable to every single one of us! That’s approximately 2500 visits to the toilet per year, or 6-8 visits per day.
- 75% of us use our phones on the toilet. Mobile usage on the toilet is now the most popular bathroom pastime, surpassing reading.
- On that note, 7 million cell phones are dropped in the toilet each year.
- 40% of us fold our toilet paper and 60% of us crumple.
- In America alone, we use 433 million miles of toilet paper per year. That’s enough toilet paper to stretch to the sun and back.
- 85% of bathroom related injuries occur when someone falls because the toilet seat has been left up. Sorry guys, but this means the ladies are right and you should absolutely be putting the toilet seat down.
- The majority of people like the toilet paper to hang over the roll, not under, and nearly a quarter of us get annoyed if its done the wrong way.
- 70% of house guests snoop through other people’s bathroom cabinets. Maybe you should think twice about what you have in your cabinets!
Tune in tomorrow for Water Heater Wednesday!