Leaky Sink: Do I Need A Plumber?

Do you have a leaky sink?? Is it really that important to fix it? Do you need a plumber? Read on to find out!

Leaky sinks are one of the most common plumbing problems all across America! Chances are, you have a leaky sink that you may not have even noticed! A leaky sink is sometimes not even thought of as a “plumbing problem” and goes ignored. Some of us are guilty of ignoring leaky sink for days, weeks, or even months! Other than the sound of dripping water, what’s the actual harm being done? In reality, a simple problem like a leaky sink can end up costing you thousands of dollars if its not fixed quickly and correctly!

Thousands of dollars wasted may seem extreme for something as small as a leaky sink, but its true! Read on to find out how your leaky sink can end up costing you so much money.

Wasted Water

First off, wasting water is bad for the environment! We all know that, right? But even if you don’t care, wasting water is bad for your wallet! I know we all care about that. For example- you’ve got a leaky sink, but its a pretty slow leak. We’ll say it drips once a minute. That’s over 1400 drips a day. That’s roughly 30 gallons of water a year. That may not seem like a lot, but what if it drips four times per minute? That’s over 130 galls of water a year. In actuality, four drips per minute would be an extraordinarily slow leak. Most leaks are at least double that. Wasted water can end up costing you tons of money each year on your water bill.

Water Damage

If your leak is coming from your faucet, chances are that you won’t end up with any water damage. Sinks are supposed to handle water. Where water damage can really start to affect you is if you have a leak in the pipes under your sink. Many of us think of a leaky sink as being a leak that only comes from the faucet. However, a lot of leaky sinks are actually leaking underneath the counter from the pipes. The most common complication from this is mold growth. The dark, moist area underneath a sink is the perfect breeding ground for mold. Sometimes, this mold can create health complications for those living in your household.

Another water your leaky sink can cause damage to your home is rot. If your leaky pipe goes ignored, the wood underneath your sink can being to rot, leading to structural damage. If enough rot occurs, you may end up having to replace your entire cabinet. If you repair your leaky pipe quickly, you can save yourself tons of time and money. The problem with leaks under your sink is that they can easily go unnoticed. Don’t forget to check under all the sinks in your home every so often for any signs of leaking or damage!

If you’ve got a leak, no matter how small, don’t ignore it! For an experienced, professional plumber you can trust, call us at Masterflo today! You can reach us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at (678) 822-7095!

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