Rainwater Collection 101

Rainwater Collection 101

You may have seen our photos before on Facebook of a rain water collection system we helped install for one of our clients. Rainwater collection can be a great option for many homeowners, so today we’re going to talk about some rainwater collection basics so you can decide if its a good option for you and your family. We’re getting lots of rain so far this spring, so it may be time to make all that extra rain work for you!

Rainwater Collection Basics

Rainwater can be a renewable, sustainable, and high quality water source for you, your family, and your home if you know how to properly harvest it. Rainwater collection is a technique for collecting, storing, and using rainwater for landscaping needs and other things. Generally, when it rains, the water simply runs off your roof, through your gutters, and into the street. With rainwater collection, the rainwater is collected in some type of water storage tank and saved for later. Though this may seem like a new idea, its a process that has been in use for thousands of years! It can be implemented for individual homes or on a larger scale for parks, schools, or other commercial buildings.

Rainwater Collection Benefits

There are several benefits of collecting rainwater. You’ll have less flooding and erosion on your property by reducing rainwater runoff during a storm. You can also reduce your water bills because you won’t have to pay to use water to water your lawn. You can also use the collected rainwater to flush your toilets, wash your clothes, and wash your cars. If using the collected rainwater to water your lawn and garden, you may notice better growth. Stored rainwater doesn’t have any pollutants or man made contaminants in it, making it much better for your lawn and plants.

How It Works

The basic idea of a rainwater collection system is to divert rainwater from a catchment surface (such as your roof) through a distribution system (your gutters and downspouts) and into a storage tank. Your tank can be above ground or under ground and can be made from a variety of materials including plastic and metal. Your storage tank should be completely covered to avoid mosquito breeding and to reduce evaporation and contamination. Rainwater collection systems do require basic maintenance and cleaning to keep the system clean and safe.

Rainwater collection can be a great option for you to reduce your utility bills and your carbon footprint! After reading our rainwater collection basics, if you have more questions or if you’d like to implement a rainwater collection system in your home call the professionals at Masterflo Plumbing today at (678) 822-7095. We can also help revamp an old system or maintain your current one!

How To: Unclog A Toilet

How To: Unclog A Toilet

No doubt about it- toilet clogs happen to all of us, and they’re always a nuisance! Toilet clogs are a fairly common plumbing problem that can happen with some frequency to everyone. Although you can always call a professional plumber, generally toilet clogs are a problem you can fix yourself. Here are a few helpful tips on how to unclog a toilet.


  1. Use a plunger. Whether you own or rent your home, you should always own a plunger! Plungers are readily available and are cheap, and having one can save your toilet from overflowing and causing water damage to your home. If you don’t have a plunger or you need a new one, purchase a sturdy, rubber plunger with a flange. These are the most effective at plunging clogged toilets. If its time to unclog a toilet and use your plunger, you can add some petroleum jelly around the rim of your plunger to make for an even better seal inside your toilet bowl. Plunge as vigorously as possible, but try not to splash! Usually, a few good plunges will have your toilet unclogged and working again. 
  2. Try the volcano. This isn’t as hard or as scary as it sounds. Baking soda and vinegar- ingredients that most of us already have on hand- are great for fixing a clogged toilet. Boil a large pot of water, then allow it to cool for a few minutes. While your water is cooling, add one cup of baking soda and two cups of white vinegar to your toilet. Then add the cooling water. If possible, let this mixture sit in your toilet for a few hours. This concoction should clear the clog. 
  3. Use some dish soap. Similar to the volcano method above, dish soap can also help unclog a toilet. Boil a large pot of water and allow it to cool. While the water is cooling, squirt a large amount of liquid dish soap into the bowl of the toilet. Once your water has cooled some and the dish soap has settled in your toilet bowl, pour the water into the toilet bowl. Try not to splash, but pour the water from approximately a foot above the toilet. The idea is to use the force of the water and the slipperiness of the dish soap to move the clog along.
  4.  Call a plumber. If these methods don’t work, call a professional plumber! No one wants to go too long without a working toilet.

If you’ve got a tough clog, don’t hesitate to call the professionals at Masterflo Plumbing today! We can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at (678) 822-7095 for all of your plumbing needs!







Metro Atlanta Plumber

Metro Atlanta Plumber

Owning a home is a good feeling and is something that many of us work towards. Once you own a home, though, you’re responsible for keeping everything in it working. We’ve all become pretty accustomed to the comforts of modern day plumbing. If your ceiling fan breaks, chances are you can live quite a while without it. If something goes haywire with your plumbing, though, you generally have to fix it pretty quickly. If you need a metro Atlanta plumber to come help get your plumbing system back on its feet, look no further. At Masterflo Plumbing, we can fix any problems that plague your home’s plumbing. 

Here are a few ways a professional plumber can assist you:

  • Kitchen- properly install your refrigerator so all water lines to the fridge and ice maker are working, dishwasher installation, new sink faucet installation, repair leaky faucets, repair clogged drains, repair slow drains,  and garbage disposal repair and installation


  • Bathroom- install water saving toilets, install new faucets for your tub, shower, or sink, repair leaky toilets, repair dripping faucets, repair clogged sinks, and repair clogged bathtub drains


  • Outside- repair slab leaks, repair broken pipes under your lawn, install new sewer lines and systems, repair existing sewer lines, repair frozen pipes, water heater repair, water heater installation, hydro jetting, gas line repair and replacement, and leak detection


If you find yourself in need of a metro Atlanta Plumber, call the local professionals you can trust at Masterflo Plumbing. Our large team of professional plumbers has the experience and skills necessary to take care of all your plumbing problems! Letting plumbing problems worsen will only cause more damage and cost you more money to repair, so give us a call today at (678) 822-7095!

Winter Water Heater Problems

Winter Water Heater Problems

During the winter, most of our home appliances are used more than any other time of year. This, of course, includes your hot water heater. During the winter we tend to use more hot water than during warmer temperatures which can add extra stress to your hot water heater. Your hot water heater is one of your most used appliances all year long, so extra use during the winter can potentially cause problems if your water heater is properly maintained. The problem with not maintaining your hot water heater properly and additional use, is that you could possibly find yourself with no hot water during the cold winter months. Sometimes, there are warning signs you can look out for if your hot water heater is having problems. If you know what to look for, you can call a professional plumber to come take a look before you find yourself with freezing cold water only. 


Water Heater Problems Warning Signs:

  • Less Hot Water. If you’re familiar with the normal output of your hot water heater and you start noticing a drop in output, you may have a problem! If you find yourself with less hot water or with luke warm water, there could be a number of things wrong with your hot water heater. There are many things that can cause a problem with hot water output including a malfunctioning burner assembly, sediment buildup, or an electrical problem. If you notice that you have less hot water than usual, its important to call a plumber right away before you don’t have any hot water at all. 
  • Leaks. Leaks are a fairly obvious sign that something is seriously wrong with your hot water heater. Your hot water heater can spring a leak in the valve, the circulator pump, or the storage tank. A leak of any kind is never good. Small leaks can cause huge problems with your hot water heater, forcing you to replace the entire thing. Leaks can also threaten the integrity and safety of your home or your property. If you notice a leak, even if its small, you should call for a plumber immediately. 

Make sure to pay attention to your hot water heater this winter so that you can call for repairs as soon as you notice something is wrong. Catching problems early can save you tons of money this winter. If you have hot water heater problems, call the professionals you can trust at Masterflo Plumbing by calling (678) 822-7095 now!



Lower Your Water Bills

Lower Your Water Bills

Its no secret that your utility bills tend to climb during the winter months, even in the south! Colder temperatures generally find us cranking up our heat and using more hot water. This usually equates to spending more money on utility bills, but fortunately that doesn’t have to be the case! There are a few things you can do to lower your water bills this winter and all year long! 


How To Lower Your Water Bills-

  1. Keep up with regular maintenance. Leaks are the number one cause of higher water bills! Keeping up with regular maintenance can help you catch small leaks before they become large and costly. Regularly maintaining your hot water heater can also keep it running more efficiently and cheaply. By keeping up with your plumbing maintenance you can prevent leaks, wasted water, and higher water bills.
  2. Get your repairs done quickly. A great way to lower your water bills is by staying on top of repairs. No one likes to spend money on household repairs, but getting your repairs done quickly can actually save you money. If you let a plumbing problem fester, it can get worse and cause extensive damage to your home and property. Getting your repairs done quickly can minimize any damage and the amount of money you’re putting out. 
  3. Don’t be afraid to replace old plumbing or appliances. Although modern plumbing pipes and appliances are designed to last a long time, everything will need to be replaced eventually! Outdated plumbing appliances can cost more to run than it will cost you to replace them with newer appliances. Replacing your outdated equipment can help to lower your water bills and prevent any plumbing catastrophes. With even colder temperatures on the horizon, its a good idea to replace any old equipment now before you find yourself with sky high water bills or no hot water!

Take charge of your money and lower your water bills today! If you need any plumbing maintenance, repairs, or replacements done, call the professionals you can trust at Masterflo Plumbing by dialing (678) 822-7095! 



How To Fix Frozen Pipes

How To Fix Frozen Pipes

Although summer seemed to last forever and our drought this year made the temperatures seem even more sweltering, winter has finally arrived. We’re starting to see some temperatures dip below freezing here in Cherokee County, and although for some of us its a welcome change, it also poses some plumbing risks. Now that traditional winter temperatures and conditions are starting to show up, that may mean that your home may be at risk for frozen pipes! 

frozen pipes

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The ideal situation is to prevent your pipes from freezing. Here are a few easy steps you can take to try and prevent your pipes from freezing-

  1. Insulate any pipes exposed to cooler air. This can include pipes that run outside your home, in your basement, or in your attic.
  2. Use an insulating dome to cover outdoor faucets and spigots.
  3. Let your indoor faucets drip. This can reduce pressure in the pipes, which drastically lowers your chance of your pipes bursting.

frozen pipes

Although these prevention measures can greatly reduce your risk of frozen pipes in your home, these steps are not fool proof! Sometimes mother nature (and your home!) have others plans. In case your pipes DO freeze, here are some steps you can take to fix your frozen pipes and prevent damage to your home.

Fix frozen pipes-

  1. Even if your pipes have frozen, keep your indoor faucets open. Once the pipes do begin to melt, allowing water to flow out of the faucets will reduce pressure in the pipes and allow them to melt more quickly.
  2. If you know the location of your frozen pipes, you can help speed up the melting process by applying heat with an electric heating pad applied to the pipes or by aiming an electric hair dryer at the pipes.
  3. Use an electric space heater aimed at the frozen pipes. Remember, if you choose to do this, do not leave the space heater unattended and keep it away from anything flammable.
  4. If you don’t know where your frozen pipes are or believe you may be at risk of damage to your home, call a professional plumber immediately!

For help with your frozen pipes or any other plumbing emergency this winter, call the trusted experts at Masterflo Plumbing at (678) 822-7095 or send us an email! No matter what the weather is like outside, we’re on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Water Heater Replacement

Water Heater Replacement

How often do you think about your hot water heater? Probably never…until you don’t have any hot water! Giving your water heater the proper amount of love and maintenance can greatly extend its lifespan, but water heaters don’t last forever. Eventually, you will need to replace it. By knowing what to look for, you may be able to realize you need water heater replacement services before your hot water heater completely gives out and leaves you with no hot water. With the colder temperatures as of late, running out of hot water could be very uncomfortable! 

Let’s take a look at three signs that may indicate you need water heater replacement services.

  1. Age. How old is your hot water heater? If you put it in yourself, you will know this. However, if the hot water heater was already installed in your home before you lived there, you may not know for sure how old it is. By doing some routine maintenance to your hot water heater, you may be able to keep it running way past its projected lifespan. Maintenance can get expensive, though, and eventually it may be cheaper to simply replace it. As your water heater gets older and older, you’ll need more and more maintenance to keep it running properly.
  2. Efficiency. As your water heater gets older, it may begin to run less efficiently even if you’re keeping up with routine maintenance. New water heaters run much more efficiently than old ones, and there are all kinds of energy efficient options for you to consider when purchasing a new water heater. If you notice that your water bills are rising each month but you aren’t using any more hot water than normal, it may be time to replace your water heater. Running out of hot water more quickly than normal is also a sign it may be time for a new one.
  3. Repairs. Water heaters are not invincible and needing a few small repairs every couple years is fairly standard. As your water heater ages, more and more parts will begin to fail and you’ll need repairs much more frequently. Repairs can be quite costly, and it may be much cheaper for you to replace it than continue to fix it. 
If you’ve noticed any of these signs, you may need hot water heater replacement services. At Masterflo Plumbing, we have  large team of trained plumbers who have the experience necessary to replace your hot water heater quickly and correctly! Don’t face this holiday season without hot water. Give us a call today at (678) 822-7095!

Water Line Issues

Water Line Isues

The water line is the main pipe that brings water in from your municipal water source into your house. This is a vital component of your home and is key in providing safety, sanitation, and comfort to you and your family. Generally, water lines will last a long time as they are designed to last up to a hundred years! While modern water lines are designed to last a long time, they aren’t invincible and under certain circumstances they can encounter problems. These problems can severely limit the lifespan of your water line. 

There are two main water line problems that you can encounter as a home owner. Let’s take a look at those two problems today so that you can be aware of what to look for. 

Water Line Issues

  1. Tree Roots– Tree roots are always growing and looking for water sources. Usually, these water sources are natural, but not always! Tree roots seek out any water source they can find, and sometimes this can be your water line. Once tree roots find their way into your water line, they will continue to grow and expand and can eventually cause some major water line problems. Eventually, this can affect the flow of water through your pipes and can even poke holes in the pipe. Fixing this problem can be costly. The best way to avoid this problem is to have your pipes inspected every year by a professional plumber
  2. Corrosion– While modern pipes are designed to resist corrosion, they are not completely immune to every type of corrosion. Formicary and pitted corrosion can still occur in your water line. These kinds of corrosion can significantly weaken your pipes, which will eventually lead to holes and leaks. Again, the best way to combat corrosion in your water line is to have an annual inspection of your home’s plumbing system. If corrosion is caught early, it can be repaired and you can avoid having to replace your water line. 

    Water line issues plague many home owners, but with the right knowledge and the right plumber, you can successfully combat water line problems in your home! To schedule your annual plumbing inspection, call the professionals you can trust at Masterflo Plumbing at (678) 822-7095!

How To Caulk A Toilet

How To Caulk A Toilet 

After a long, hot, dry summer, cooler, rainy weather is finally here! Here in Cherokee County it seems as though we’ve gone straight from summer to winter, so many of us are spending less time outdoors. Since we’re all spending less time outside, its time to turn our focus indoors. More time indoors sometimes equals more DIY plumbing projects. Today we’re going to make your DIY plumbing list a little bit easier by talking about how to caulk a toilet. 

toilet-repair-services-canton-gaToilets should always be caulked to the floor in order to prevent any movement of the toilet. When a toilet moves, the wax seal could get broken and water can collect under the toilet and rot the floor. Oftentimes, homeowners will set a toilet and then caulk around the outside edge. This method generally isn’t strong enough to hold and it also leaves a large, visible line of caulk. Read on to find out how to caulk a toilet!

How To Caulk A Toilet

  • Set the toilet in place, making sure its square against the wall
  • Use masking tape to make an outline of the toilet on the floor
  • Remove the toilet and lay it on its side
  • Measure the depth and width of the gluing edge of the bowl
  • Use your caulk gun to apply caulk directly to the floor using the depth you measured in the previous step
  • Install the wax ring
  • Lower your toilet onto the floor
  • Stand on the toilet to make sure its properly adhered to the wax ring
  • Use a paper towel to clean up any extra caulk

If you find yourself with extra time on your hands and want to tackle a DIY plumbing project, our post should make it easy for you to learn how to caulk a toilet. For any plumbing projects you don’t want to tackle yourself or for any emergency plumbing problems, call Masterflo Plumbing today at (678) 822-7095!

Hydro Jetting Solutions

Hydro Jetting Solutions

Winter is creeping up on us here in Woodstock, GA and inclement weather may be just around the corner! If you’ve got clogged pipes or sewer lines, hydro jetting solutions may be the answer you’ve been waiting for! If you’re not familiar with hydro jetting, read on to find out more about this great solution.

hydro jetting solutions

What is it?

Hydro jetting is a highly effective method used by professional plumbers to clean out clogged sewer lines. A blast of water at an extremely high pressure- usually about 4000 psi- is sent into the lines. This blast generally removes any and all clogs, blockages, and buildups.

What happens first?

Oftentimes your plumber will do a video inspection of your lines to determine what has caused your clog and exactly where the problem is located. Even if tree roots are the cause of your problem, hydro jetting will usually cut right through them. Sometimes, if the tree roots are extra heavy and thick, your plumber may need to run a snake through the line first. Video inspection prior to hydro jetting is also a good idea to check for broken pipes or weak areas. Hydro jetting weak pipes can wreak havoc on your plumbing system.

Who can benefit from hydro jetting solutions?

Hydro jetting solutions can be used in residential or commercial settings. For residential purposes, hydro jetting can clear out sand, silt, lime scale, and even hair clogs. Yearly hydro jetting can help maintain your plumbing system in a way that routine snaking can not. Hydro jetting not only breaks up clogs, it also completely clears the pipes of any residual buildup. Its also very environmentally friendly as no harsh chemicals are used!

Why should I opt for hydro jetting solutions?

Hydro jetting solutions are a great way to maintain your plumbing system and get rid of pesky clogs or slow pipes. It should only be done by a trained professional in order to avoid causing any damage to your plumbing system. A trained plumber will know exactly how to use the hydro jetting system in order to maximize benefits and prevent damage.

If you find yourself with frequent clogs or a generally slow plumbing system, our hydro jetting services may be right for you. This service can greatly improve older plumbing systems and is great for sand, silt, and limescale buildup. Contact the local professionals at Masterflo Plumbing today to discuss our hydro jetting services. You can call us 7 days a week at (678) 822-7095!