Buying A Home: Plumbing Warning Signs

Buying A Home: Plumbing Warning Signs

Buying a home is an exciting process, but it can also be a stressful and daunting one! There are so many steps to take, documents to get in order, checklists to go through, and things to look at. Once you’ve purchased a home you can’t simply return it like a pair of shoes, so its important to do your due diligence before you sign on the dotted line. 
Buying a home with pre existing plumbing problems could turn into a huge headache for you. Fortunately, even if you’re not a professional plumber there are a few plumbing warning signs you can look for as you walk through your home. Today we’re going to talk about a few of these warning signs and the potential implications they can have.
buying a home

Plumbing Warning Signs:

  • Foundation problems. Cracks in the foundation or basement don’t always mean there’s a plumbing problem, but it could be a possibility! Cracks in the foundation can mean there’s a leak somewhere and can greatly compromise the integrity of your home, putting your family’s safety at risk.
  • Bug problems. Here in north Georgia, its nearly impossible to get away from the bugs! However, too many bugs can be a sign of a problem. Some bugs breed and thrive near standing water. If you notice bugs, particularly mosquitoes, that seem to be thriving at your new home, double check for any odd sources of standing water. Standing water can indicate a leak or poor drainage.
  • Random patches of fresh paint. Sometimes random patches of fresh paint can indicate that the homeowner has simply painted over a small nail hole. Other times, it can be the first sign of a larger problem. If there has been a water leak in the ceiling or walls, it may take more than fresh paint to completely repair all the damage.
  • Foul odors. Some bad smells can be a passing fluke, but others can indicate a larger problem. Pre existing plumbing problems like leaks, septic tank problems, or sewer problems can cause foul odors. These problems should not be overlooked as they can be quite costly to fix.
  • Poor drainage around the home. Its important to try and check out a home you’re thinking of buying after its rained. Poor drainage around your home can potentially cause problems for your landscaping and your home’s foundation. Its important to make sure that the grading of the lot allows rain water to drain away from the home. Its also important to check out the gutters and make sure they’re installed and working properly.
  • Mold. Mold doesn’t always come from a plumbing leak, but it certainly can! If you notice mold its crucial to find out the source to see if it will be a continuing problem that needs to be addressed.

If you’ve recently purchased a new home and need a professional plumber that you can count on day or night, make sure to call Masterflo Plumbing! We’re locally owned and operated and are here for your plumbing needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Give us a call at (678) 822-7095!

Home Buying Checklist

Home Buying Checklist

Buying a home can be (and usually is!) very stressful. There are so many steps in the process, so many things to check up on, look at, finish, etc. It seems like there’s always one more thing to do, find out about, or look into before you actually sign those papers and get your keys! Inevitably, the second you get your keys and move in, you discover something that you forgot to check or you see something you didn’t see before.

The plumbing system is a vital component of any home that often goes unnoticed or overlooked. This is because the plumbing system is mostly hidden from view so that we don’t have to look at our plumbing system on a daily basis. Although the plumbing system is hidden from view, it is an incredibly important thing to take a look at before buying a home. An average family of four uses nearly 400 gallons of water each day and more than 25% of that comes from flushing the toilet!


Here is a helpful home buying checklist specific to plumbing:

  • Flush the toilet in each bathroom to make sure they’re in working order (no pre-existing clogs or leaks).
  • Check the size of the pipes. To get proper water pressure the pipes from the water source to your home should be at least 3/4″ and the pipes to your faucets should be at least 1/2″.
  • Check the water pressure in all the showers.
  • Look at the hot water heater to check for signs of damage or corrosion. Ask about its age and when it was last serviced.
  • Ask about the pipes and avoid homes with lead piping.
  • Check out the basement, crawlspace, or attic for any signs of leaks or water damage.

Hopefully this home buying checklist can help you if you’re in the market for a new home. If you’re trying to sell a home or have recently purchased a new home and need a plumber you can trust, call the experts at Masterflo Plumbing today. Our plumbers are available to you for all your plumbing needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Call (678) 822-7095!