Pipe Corrosion: What You Need To Know

Fall begins in just a couple short weeks. With slightly cooler temperatures coming, its a great time to get started on your annual home maintenance. Keeping up with your home maintenance before the winter months is a great way to make sure that you and your home make it through the winter months unscathed. If your home isn’t ready for winter, you could end up facing some costly repairs.
With temperatures remaining steady in the 90’s this summer, we all know it was hard to get motivated to do anything. Cooler temperatures are on the horizon, and we’ve got your annual home maintenance checklist ready to go! Owning a home comes with a lot of responsibilities, but we’ve made this easy for you! Just follow our checklist below!
Here are some key things to check off on your annual home maintenance checklist-
Keeping up with yearly maintenance on your home is important and can go a long way in saving you money. Performing maintenance tasks can make your home run more efficiently, saving you money on utility bills, and can prevent you from needing major repairs throughout the winter or in the spring.
Follow our handy annual home maintenance checklist, and for help with plumbing maintenance or to get a head start on plumbing repairs, call the local professionals you can trust at Masterflo Plumbing. We’re here for you 24/7 at (678) 822-7095!
Today we’re going to talk about why its so important to hire a professional for your hot water heater installation. DIY and money saving hacks are trending these days, but when it comes to your hot water heater installation, hiring a professional is a must. If you need to install a hot water heater, it can be very tempting to just Google it and try to follow a YouTube video and do it yourself. To make sure that your water heater is installed correctly and that it performs correctly and efficiently, its absolutely necessary to hire someone with experience.
Here are a few reasons why its important to hire a professional plumber for your hot water heater installation:
Choosing the correct water heater for your home may sound like an easy task, but in reality it involves some advanced calculations about the flow rate and temperature rise that you will need for your home. You might also need to take into account information about the peak hour demand and the number of people who regularly use hot water in your home. If done incorrectly, these calculations can result in you purchasing the wrong hot water heater for your home. A professional plumber who has lots of experience working with these complicated calculations will be sure to get it right and get you the correct hot water heater the first time around. If the calculations are done wrong and you end up with a unit that is too small, you may find yourself lacking hot water on a regular basis. On the other hand, if you end up with a unit that is too large, you may use unnecessary energy, costing you more money up front and on your monthly bills.
Hot water heaters can be very large and complicated to install. If you don’t have experience installing a hot water heater, you could be in over your head. Professional plumbers know how to safely remove your old hot water heater and dispose of it, so you don’t have to think about it or have it sit around in your garage while you find a way to dispose of it. A professional plumber will also get your new unit safely installed and can ensure that your new tank fills properly and doesn’t leak into your home and foundation.
If you have your new hot water heater properly installed the first time around, chances are that you will need to repair it far less frequently than if it gets installed incorrectly. A professional plumber can make sure that all the valves are working properly, the heating element is functioning, and that there will not be any leaks! As long as you have your new hot water heater professional installed by a skilled, experienced plumber, you can rest assured that you won’t have to do any early repairs.
If you need a professional plumber for your hot water heater installation, contact the professionals at Masterflo today at (678) 822-7095! We’ll be there anytime, any day, to help you pick the correct unit and install it!
Summer is halfway over, and if you’re like many parents, you may have noticed you’ve been spending more money than usual. Going on family vacations, taking your kids to participate in local activities, and summer camps all cost money! Keeping your kids engaged and occupied all summer is worth the extra spending, so today we’ve come up with some ways to help you save money in another area! Our tips all focus on ways that you can save money every month on your water bill. The only thing better than saving money is finding ways to save money consistently, every single month. At the end of the year you’ll be amazed at how much money you can save.
There are several easy ways for you to save money on your water bill each month, without compromising any safety, sanitation, or personal comfort for you or your family.
1) Install A Low Flow Toilet
Toilets now days are made to be super low flow, meaning they use less water per flush. If you’re doing some updating, renovating, or buying or building a new house consider installing low flow toilets. There are also ways to retro fit your existing toilet to make it use less water per flush. Also, don’t use the toilet as a trash receptacle and flush it each time you throw a piece of trash in it. Flushing the toilet uses approximately 5-7 gallons of water per flush, so less flushes = a great way for you to save money on your water bill.
2) Keep Up With Your Home Maintenance/Check for Leaks
We recommend having your plumbing checked yearly by a professional plumber. A professional is more likely to catch tiny plumbing leaks before they turn into large leaks. Catching leaks and repairing them before they get worse is a way to make sure you are consistently saving money on your water bill. Make sure to check your toilets, showers, and sink faucets for any sinks of leaks. Another great way to catch a leak is to check your water meter. Read your meter, then go two hours without using any water in your home. If after two hours your meter reading is different than it was before, then you’ve got a leak somewhere.
3) Consolidate your laundry loads and dishwasher loads
Only run your dishwasher or washing machine when you have a full load! Doing small, half loads that aren’t full can use tons of extra water. Also, skipping any pre-rinse cycles or additional rinse cycles can save you around 6 gallons of water per wash cycle. If you do have to run a partial load in your washing machine, make sure you change the settings to reflect the size of the load.
4) Take Shorter showers
Sometimes nothing beats a good, long, hot shower. However, limiting your shower to around 5 minutes is a good way to save money on your water bill every month. If you just love taking long showers and limiting your shower time isn’t an option for you, consider installing a water efficient shower head. Also remember that taking a shower instead of a bath is saving you approximately 50 gallons of water each day.
5) Be mindful of running water
Its a bad habit that many of us are guilty of- letting the water run. Try to be more mindful of wasting water by just letting the tap run. You may surprise yourself by how much water you are able to save just by turning off the faucet when its not absolutely necessary for it to be on. One great example is doing dishes- instead of letting the hot water run continuously while you’re doing dishes, try plugging up your sink and just filling it with hot, soapy water instead of letting the hot water run the whole time. Another great way to save money on your water bill is by turning off the water while you brush your teeth. Turning off the water while you brush your teeth can save you up to 25 gallons per month!
Follow these helpful hints to save money on your water bill every month! Don’t forget- if you need a trusted, professional plumber, Masterflo Plumbing is here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Call (678) 822-7095!
Summer is here, the kids are out of school, and here in north Georgia we’re seeing recording breaking high temperatures! Summer is a great time to get outside and get active with your family, but its also a great time to do a little home maintenance. No one likes adding to their to do list, but as a homeowner you can save yourself lots of money by doing a little preventive maintenance. Keeping up with regular home maintenance can also help keep your house safe for you and your family!
At Masterflo Plumbing we like to help you keep your life simple.
Today we’re bringing you 5 summer home maintenance tips–
Follow these 4 summer home maintenance tips for a safe, sunny summer! For any help with plumbing maintenance or emergency plumbing problems contact us at (678) 822-7095. We service all of metro Atlanta and north Georgia 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
Most modern day plumbing systems installed in our homes are designed to last for nearly a hundred years without having to be replaced in their entirety. Small issues may arise occasionally, but your plumbing system generally will not need an entire overhaul. Copper piping is mostly immune to rust, so copper is the most common type of pipes used for residential plumbing systems. Although modern plumbing systems are designed to last for so long, this is not a guarantee you’ll never have to face total water line replacement in your home.
Some of us, unfortunately, do end up dealing with water line replacement. While this is a major undertaking for a professional plumber, there are some signs you can learn to look out for so that you will recognize the problem. If you recognize that you need water line replacement right away, you can potentially prevent thousands of dollars in damage to your home or property.
Signs you may need water line replacement:
If you’re reading this post, chances are that you’ve got an overflowing toilet. We all deal with toilet problems at some point or another- an obnoxious clog, a broken seat, a cracked bowl, a toilet that won’t stop running. The good news is that most of these problems are minor and can be fixed without having to call a professional plumber. Unfortunately, some of us have had to deal with a much worse toilet problem- a leaking or overflowing toilet.
If you’ve got an overflowing toilet, keep reading to find out what you should do next.
Now you know a little bit about what to do if your toilet overflows! If your toilet is leaking or overflowing and you’re in the metro Atlanta area, make sure to call the trusted professionals at Materflo Plumbing today at (678) 822-7095!
No one likes spending unnecessary money, but we have all become accustomed to having modern, working, indoor plumbing. Chances are that at some point you’ve found yourself wondering “Do I need a plumber?”. Your local, trusted professional plumber may be able to do a lot more for you than you think. Sometimes spending a little bit of money with a trained professional can do a lot for the comfort, safety, and health of you and your family when it comes to plumbing.
Here are a few ways a professional plumber can assist you:
If you find yourself asking “Do I need a plumber?” and the answer is “Yes!” call the local professionals you can trust at Masterflo Plumbing. Our large team of professional plumbers has the experience and skills necessary to take care of all your plumbing problems! Give us a call today at (678) 822-7095!
At some point, most of us will run into plumbing problems at home. If you are renting, this generally means you will call your landlord and have them take care of it. Unfortunately, if you own your own home and are not a professional plumber, this often means calling an experienced plumber out to your home to take care of the problem. Sometimes, this can result in you spending tons of money. Today we’re going to discuss some easy plumbing fixes that you can attempt yourself before calling for professional reinforcements!
Unblock Traps- Undo the sink trap, remove the blockage, and reassemble the trap. Although some clogs can be fixed by using a snake, oftentimes the best way to remove the clog and prevent future clogs is to remove it entirely.
Fix Pesky Sink Clogs- Remove the spring tab from the drain plug, remove the ball valve from the trap, remove the pop up plug, then thoroughly remove all debris in the drain. Sink drain clogs are super common, and contrary to popular belief, its NOT a good idea to use chemical drain cleaners.
Leaky Pipes- Check your pipes periodically for signs of rust or lime scale. This can indicate that you may have a small leak. If left alone, small leaks can turn into big leaks which can cause lots of damage.
If you have a plumbing emergency or have tried these easy plumbing fixes and still find yourself with a plumbing problem, call your local, trusted professional plumbers at Masterflo Plumbing today- (678) 822-7095!
Any homeowner knows that any plumbing problem is an unneeded and unwanted hassle, but slab leaks are one of the worst possible plumbing problems! What makes slab leaks one of the worst possible plumbing problems to have is that even a small slab leak can end up causing quite a bit of damage. Unfortunately, slab leak repair can be quite costly sometimes. The amount of damage caused by a slab and the amount of money it will cost you to fix it can sometimes depend on the location of the leak.
So, what exactly is a slab leak? Your home sits on a concrete foundation called a slab. This helps to keep your home stable and prevent it from shifting over time as it settles. Underneath the slab are many pipes, including your water and sewer lines. If one of these pipes develops a leak underneath the slab, the water from the leak will travel up through the slab and into your home, coming up through the floor. This is a slab leak.
Slab leaks are a huge problem. Sometimes, they can be really large and can create tons of damage underneath your home. Also, they can go unnoticed for long periods of time. The longer a slab leak goes unnoticed, the worse it gets and the more damage it causes. Unfortunately, its next to impossible to recognize a slab leak before its had the opportunity to fester and create extensive damage.
As soon as you believe you have a slab leak, turn off your water! This will aid in keeping any more water from leaking out of the pipes and creating further damage. The next thing you should do is call a plumber in your area for slab leak repair immediately! A professional plumber will be able to tell you for sure if you’ve got a slab leak. If you do, a professional plumber will be able to pinpoint the exact location of the leak and will be able to begin working to fix it immediately.
For slab leak repair, call the trusted experts at Masterflo Plumbing immediately! The longer you allow a slab leak to continue underneath your home, the more damage you will have. For a Canton, GA plumber call Masterflo at (678) 822-7095 or send us a message!