10 Pool Safety Tips

10 Pool Safety Tips

Spending time at the pool is a great way to keep your kids active during the summer and can help prevent your kids from uttering those two words every parent dreads hearing- “I’m bored!”. Hanging out at the pool is always a family favorite and is a great pastime for all members of your family no matter how old they are.pool-safety-tips
Although spending time at the pool is the perfect family friendly summer activity, it does come with certain risks. Nearly 400 children drown each year in the United States, and 58% of those drownings occur in pools. This is a scary statistic, but it shouldn’t keep you from soaking up some sun and enjoying your family poolside this summer!
Today we’re bringing you some pool safety tips that can help keep you and your family safe all summer long. Whether you have your own pool or you’re hanging out at a neighborhood pool or a public pool, its important to take all the necessary precautions and safety measures. 

10 Pool Safety Tips-

1. Swim lessons! Swim lessons are a great way to keep your kids safe at the pool. A child who knows how to swim is at a significantly lower risk of drowning than a child who can’t swim. You can start swim lessons with babies as young as 6 months!
2. Supervise, supervise, supervise! Always make sure there is at least one set of responsible eyes on your kids when they are in or near a pool! While one set of eyes is a must, two sets are even better! You can never have enough supervision when it comes to pool time.
3. Know CPR! This is a life saving tip that everyone should know! Check with your local county rec center, fire department, or Red Cross chapter to find a CPR class.
4. Create physical barriers. If you have your own pool, installing fences and other physical barriers is a great way to prevent young kids from accidentally falling into your pool.
5. Create pool time rituals. If you create a process your child has to go through before entering the pool (swim diaper, swim suit, sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, life vest, etc.) it can hinder them from making impulse decisions and jumping into the pool on a whim.
6. Teach your kids to swim without flotation devices! Flotation devices definitely serve an important purpose, but when you’re actively trying to teach your kids how to tread water, stay afloat, or swim, its important that they learn these skills without the assistance of flotation devices.
7. Forget the goggles. This may seem counter intuitive, but teaching your kids (and yourself!) to be comfortable looking around under water can be crucial. If your child is comfortable opening his or her eyes under water, it will help them feel less disoriented if they do accidentally fall into the water.
8. Blow bubbles! Teach your kids to put their face underwater and blow bubbles in the bathtub. This encourages your kids to not inhale or drink the water in the pool.
9. Set some rules. You should always have pool rules that your kids are familiar with. If you have guests over, no matter how old your guests are, you should make sure your guests are familiar with your pool rules, too.
10. Use proper flotation devices. If you and your kids are on a boat or any other type of watercraft or are in an open body of water, life vests are a must!
Following our 10 pool safety tips can help ensure that you and your family have a safe, fun filled summer at the pool this year. Don’t let plumbing tasks around the house take the fun out of your summer. Relax with your friends and family at the pool and contact Masterflo Plumbing today for all your residential plumbing needs! Give us a call at (678) 822-7095!

Fire Safety Tips

Fire Safety Tips

Earlier this week, we talked about the drought in Georgia and ways you can save water and reduce your monthly water bill. Along with the drought comes a higher risk for fire. Fire safety tips are generally drilled into us in elementary school through demonstrations by the local fire department, but how many of us still remember what we learned all those years ago? The risk of you and your home being involved in a fire increases during the summer due to things like drought and fireworks during the 4th of July. Did you know that if your home catches on fire you may have less than 2 minutes to escape?


Today let’s go over some quick refresher points so that you’ll be prepared in case of a fire in your home!
Fire Safety Tips-
1. Make sure you and your family members have a fire escape plan and that you practice it a couple times a year. Try to seek out two ways to escape from each room in your home. You should also have a designated meeting spot outside of your home so you can account for all family members if you do have a fire in your home.
2. If your home does catch on fire, get out immediately and don’t go back in. 
3. Teach all your family members to stop, drop, and roll in case their clothing catches on fire. This one is basic, but it can be life saving!
4. Check your smoke detectors once a month. If they aren’t working, replace the batteries. All of your smoke detectors should be completely replaced every 10 years.
5. Make sure your home is equipped with enough smoke detectors. You should have at least one on each level of your home.
6. Know the difference between a smoke detector and a carbon monoxide detector. Both are important and life saving and neither can be substituted for the other!
7. Ensure that everyone in your family- especially young children- is familiar with the sound of a smoke detector! The high pitched sound can be scary, especially to children, so making sure that everyone is familiar with the sound is crucial.
8. If you use space heaters in your home, make sure all flammable objects are at least three feet away from the heaters. If you leave your home, make sure all heaters are turned off.
9. Having a portable fire extinguisher handy can be key to stopping a fire before it gets out of control. However, you should be properly trained in how to use it!
10. The word PASS can help you remember how to use a fire extinguisher. 
       -Pull the pin and hold the extinguisher with the nozzle pointed away from you.
       -Aim low. You should always point the fire extinguisher at the base of the fire.
       -Squeeze the lever slowly and evenly.
       -Sweep the nozzle from side to side.
Make sure to review these fire safety tips to help keep you and your family safe this summer and all year long! If you have experienced a fire in your home and need plumbing restoration help, call the local professionals you can trust at Masterflo Plumbing. We’re available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at (678) 822-7095!

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!

The 4th of July is, perhaps, the most patriotic of all American holidays! We often celebrate with fireworks, backyard BBQ’s, and parties. While most of us believe July 4th is the day we received our independence from England, this is not entirely true.

Before the USA was the United States of America, it was actually a group of colonies, an extension of England. As the colonies began to develop and change and differ from England, conflicts started to arise between the colonies and England. In 1764, Britain decided to impose new rules on the colonies. This did not sit well with the people in the colonies. Eventually, these disagreements led to the war we know now as the American Revolution.

During the course of the American Revolution, a Congress was formed in the colonies. The people who made up this Congress drafted the Declaration of Independence. On July 4th, 1776, this Declaration of Independence was officially approved and adopted by Congress. This is where the “4th of July” comes from. Even though the people living in the colonies officially declared their independence on that date, the American Revolution did not end until later.

4th of july

Happy 4th of July from all of us at Masterflo Plumbing! We hope you have a happy, safe, and relaxing holiday weekend. Remember, if you find yourself in need of an emergency plumber this holiday weekend, you can count on us! Contact us at (678) 822-7095!


Zika Prevention

Zika Prevention

Your home’s plumbing system is vital to the comfort, health, and safety of you and your family. We’re all familiar with plumbing leaks- that annoying dripping sound coming from your toilet or kitchen sink. While plumbing leaks may seem like just a minor annoyance, plumbing leaks can actually turn into huge, disastrous, expensive problems. This year, plumbing leaks can present a new risk- Zika. The Zika virus, which is carried by mosquitoes, has been making headlines for months now. If you have a plumbing leak which has led to standing water in or around your home, you may be at an increased risk for having mosquitoes rapidly multiply around your home. Finding out more about Zika prevention is vital to your health.

The best way to avoid spending thousands of dollars on repairs from plumbing leaks and lower your risk of attracting mosquitoes to your property is to know what you’re looking for, know the implications, and fix any plumbing leaks immediately by calling a local plumber.


Signs you may have plumbing leaks-

  • an unexpected increase in your water bill
  • visible mold or mildew
  • warped, sagging, or stained spots on your ceilings or walls
  • warped, cracked, or sagging floors
  • sporadic wet or lush patches in your yard

Dangers of plumbing leaks-

  • If you suffer from allergies, mold can further irritate your allergies or cause chronic allergies
  • Mold inhalation can lead to chronic dizziness, headaches, and respiratory issues
  • If you have a sewer leak, toxic bacteria can leak into your home
  • Mold can destroy your drywall
  • If you have extensive mold damage, you may need major home renovations to reverse the effects
  • Potential flooding
  • Standing water can attract mosquitoes

Zika Prevention-

  • Get more information about Zika Prevention from the CDC


If you suspect that you may have a plumbing leak, call the local professionals that you can trust at Masterflo Plumbing. You can reach us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling (678) 822-7095!

5 Water Heater Maintenance Tips

5 Water Heater Maintenance Tips

Running out of hot water is everyone’s worst plumbing nightmare. Not having hot water is a huge inconvenience, and can sometimes mean that you’re facing a costly problem. Although its not possible to completely avoid ever needing to repair or replace your hot water heater, there are certain steps you can take to lower your risk.

At Masterflo Plumbing we like to save you time and money, so today we’re going to talk about some water heater maintenance tips for avoiding hot water heater repair and replacement.

water heater maintenance tips

5 Water Heater Maintenance Tips-

  1. Check the temperature setting a couple times each year. Your hot water heater temperature should be set to 120 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. If you’ve got it set any higher, you will definitely see an increase in your utility bill. You’re also working your hot water heater harder, and it’ll be more likely to need repairs or total replacement.
  2. Drain your hot water heater twice a year. Sediment build up on the bottom of your hot water heater is normal and occurs naturally. If too much sediment is allowed to build up, you may be increasing your risk of needing hot water heater repair or replacement. Draining your hot water heater allows you to remove most of the sediment.
  3. Make sure you have proper ventilation that is in working condition. If your hot water heater is heated by using gas, it needs to be vented. If the ventilation is not working properly, toxic byproducts could be invading the air in your home.
  4. Check the pressure relief valve twice a year. The pressure relief valve is a safety feature that relives excess pressure if the water heater has overheated. Relief valves can leak or corrode which can cause them to malfunction and could possibly lead to more damage. Catching any leaks or corrosion early can save you time and money.
  5. Schedule a maintenance visit with a professional plumber annually. A professional plumber will be able to check out your unit to make sure its in proper working condition. Someone with a trained eye may be able to catch and fix small problems before they turn into large ones.

Although there is never a sure way to avoid all hot water heater problems, following these 5 tips for avoiding hot water heater repair and replacement can minimize your risk. If you need a professional plumber in metro Atlanta, don’t hesitate to contact Masterflo Plumbing today at (678) 822-7095!

Professional Drain Cleaning in Marietta, GA

Professional Drain Cleaning In Marietta, GA

Drain cleaning- I’m sure the word evokes sighs in many of you accompanied by the words “yuck”, “gross”, or “ew”. Drains are a vital part of the modern day plumbing system that allow our waste water to escape our homes. This is a crucial part of maintaining our comfort, health, and sanitation in the home.

In an ideal world, our waste water would escape down the drain and we’d never have to give the process a second thought. However, this isn’t realistic for most of us. 99% of us have dealt with a clogged drain before- whether in the bathroom or kitchen- and some of us deal with recurring clogged drains on a regular basis. To combat clogged drains, we’ve all done a little DIY drain cleaning. Who hasn’t attempted to use a chemical cleaner or snake purchased at the store or a homemade baking soda remedy? Chances are, if you’re using one of those methods your clog keeps coming back. Drain cleaning is serious business!

drain cleaning marietta ga

Think about how much you put down your drain everyday- soap, hair, food waste, etc! Because we put so much down our drains, its important to have a professional drain cleaning scheduled as part of your annual home maintenance. If you’re dealing with tough clogs or recurring clogs, you’re past due for your professional drain cleaning! If you aren’t dealing with these pesky problems yet, schedule your professional drain cleaning to head the problems off before they start! When tackling drain cleaning, a professional plumber will take into account the age and location of your plumbing, as well as the nature of the clog (if there is one).


Not convinced, yet? Here are some reasons why you need a professional drain cleaning in Marietta, GA!

  • Commercial drain cleaners- Commercial drain cleaners are widespread, readily available, and affordable. But did you know that they’re also dangerous and not always effective? Store bought drain cleaners contain harsh chemicals that can be extremely dangerous. They’re also “one size fits all”. These chemicals aren’t custom designed for the nature of your clog. Every clog is different and won’t respond the same to commercial drain cleaner.
  • Roots- While many clogged pipes are caused by debris washed down the drain, some clogged pipes can be caused by plant roots. Plant roots can slow or prohibit the flow of water making repairs necessary! Oftentimes if you have pipes that are being clogged by roots, its more than a simple DIY fix. A professional, experienced plumber can clear the roots causing the clog quickly and without causing unnecessary damage.
  • Maintenance- The main reason to have a professional drain cleaning is to prevent any future problems! Clogs don’t happen overnight; they build up over a long period of time. If left to fester, clogs can cause a lot more damage than just slow water drain. Having your drains professional cleaned once a year can keep you from having to shell out money for repairs that could have been avoided. Eliminate the problem before it starts!

If your drains are clogged or if you’d like to stay ahead of the curve and prevent them, contact us today for your professional drain cleaning in Woodstock, GA. At Masterflo Plumbing, we have years of experience doing drain cleaning and guarantee we’ll get your pipes in working order and keep them that way. Remember, you can call us any time, day or night, seven days a week- (678) 822-7095!

Overflowing Toilet

Overflowing Toilet

If you’re reading this post, chances are that you’ve got an overflowing toilet. We all deal with toilet problems at some point or another- an obnoxious clog, a broken seat, a cracked bowl, a toilet that won’t stop running. The good news is that most of these problems are minor and can be fixed without having to call a professional plumber. Unfortunately, some of us have had to deal with a much worse toilet problem- a leaking or overflowing toilet.

If you’ve got an overflowing toilet, keep reading to find out what you should do next.

what to do if your toilet overflows

  1. Turn off the water! This is the first step and perhaps the most important! Turning off the water source to the toilet immediately can prevent any further leakage which may help to prevent some damage. Usually you don’t need to turn off the water source to the whole house. There is a shut off valve specifically for the toilet just behind the toilet or near the base. If you can’t find this valve, you should shut off the water supply to the whole house.
  2. Call a plumber! This is the next most important step. Unless you are a licensed, professional plumber, an overflowing toilet should not become your next DIY project. Contacting a professional plumber as quickly as possible is important. The longer your toilet problem is allowed to continue, the more damage you could have.
  3. Move any nearby objects! Water damage is no joke- a small amount of water can create major damage. If you’ve got any furniture, household objects, or wall hangings nearby, you should move them away to keep them safe.
  4. Clean up! Although the problem may not be completely fixed yet, if you’ve already shut off the water source to the toilet its safe to go ahead and clean up any water. Cleaning up standing water that has spilled from the toilet can help prevent more damage from occurring. It also helps keep the area safe for you and your plumber.

Now you know a little bit about what to do if your toilet overflows! If your toilet is leaking or overflowing and you’re in the metro Atlanta area, make sure to call the trusted professionals at Materflo Plumbing today at (678) 822-7095!

Interior Spring Home Maintenance Checklist

Interior Spring Home Maintenance Checklist

Spring is in full effect here in metro Atlanta, and we’ve had plenty of nice days to get outside. Although its tempting to blow off home maintenance for more leisurely activities, don’t forget that keeping up with your home maintenance can save you thousands of dollars in repair and replacement costs. 


Wednesday we shared our exterior spring home maintenance checklist. Today, we’re sharing our simple interior spring home maintenance checklist:

  • Replace your HVAC filter to ensure that your AC unit is running as efficiently as possible.
  • Clean the grills on your air system ducts.
  • Make sure all your vents are open and there is nothing blocking them.
  • Check for any gaps around your windows and reseal them with caulk if necessary.
  • Check the locks on your windows to make sure they’re working properly. If they aren’t, make sure to replace them with new locks.
  • Test the batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.
  • Make sure you know where your fire extinguisher is and check to make sure the pressure valve is working.
  • Check all your interior plumbing for any signs of leaks.
  • Look in your attic for any signs of leaking from your roof.

For help with any plumbing maintenance or repairs call the local professionals you can trust at Masterflo Plumbing! (678) 822-7095

Exterior Spring Home Maintenance Checklist

Exterior Spring Home Maintenance Checklist

Spring is in full effect here in metro Atlanta, and we’ve had plenty of nice days to get outside. Although its tempting to blow off home maintenance for more leisurely activities, don’t forget that keeping up with your home maintenance can save you thousands of dollars in repair and replacement costs. 


To keep things simple for you, we’ve come up with a simple exterior spring home maintenance checklist:

  • Check on your lawn tools (lawn mowers, weed eaters, blowers, etc.) to make sure they’re in working condition. Many lawn tools can be repaired instead of replaced if they’re not working properly.
  • Look at your roof for loose, missing, or damaged vents or shingles and have them repaired and replaced as necessary so you don’t find yourself with a leak.
  • Check all your siding and trim for loose or damaged spots and have these places repaired as necessary.
  • Check for damaged windows or screens.
  • Make sure your gutters and downspouts are clear and don’t have any damaged or broken places. Spring time can bring lots of rain and if the rain isn’t diverted properly, it can cause damage to your home.
  • Look around your homes foundation and/or basement for any obvious cracked or damaged spots. Any cracks (even small ones) can seriously compromise the integrity and safety of your home.
  • Inspect any exposed wood for signs of damage, rot, or bug infestation. Compromised wood can present structural and safety issues for your home.
  • Make sure all tree branches are trimmed back and away from your home. This will prevent them from falling on your home in case of a storm.
  • Check your yard for any particularly wet or lush patches that seem to stand out. This could be a sign of a pipe leak under your yard.

For help with any plumbing maintenance or repairs call the local professionals you can trust at Masterflo Plumbing! (678) 822-7095


How Often Should I…?

How Often Should I…?

How often do you find yourself wondering if something around your home needs to be replaced or how long its going to last? Similar to the groceries in your refrigerator and pantry, many items around your home have a “shelf life” or expiration date. In order to save yourself thousands of dollars in unnecessary replacement costs, make sure you are keeping up with all of your routine home maintenance. If you are up to date on all of your home maintenance, you can prolong the shelf life of many things around your home.

If you find yourself asking how often you should replace certain things around your home, read on to find out the average life span of things around your home.


Bedroom Items

  • Windows and window frames should be replaced every 20-30 years
  • Mattresses should be replaced every 8-15 years
  • Interior paint should be freshened up every 7-10 years
  • Real wood flooring should be replaced every 20-30 years
  • Screen doors should be replaced every 10-20 years

Bathroom Items

  • Bath tubs should be replaced every 15-20 years
  • Toilets should be replaced every 15-20 years
  • Linoleum or vinyl flooring should be replaced every 15-20 years
  • Grout should be refreshed every 3-5 years
  • Cabinets should be replaced every 20-30 years
  • Sinks should be replaced every 15-20 years
  • Faucets should be replaced every 15-20 years

Kitchen Items

  • Microwaves should be replaced every 5-10 years
  • Gas ovens should be replaced every 15-25 years
  • Dryers should be replaced every 10-20 years
  • Dishwashers should be replaced every 10-15 years
  • Refrigerators should be replaced every 10-20 years
  • Washing machines should be replaced every 10-20 years
  • Garbage disposals should be replaced every 5-15 years

Living Room Items

  • Carpet should be replaced every 10-15 years
  • Air conditioning units should be replaced every 15-20 years
  • Smoke detectors should be replaced every 10 years
  • Carbon monoxide detectors should be replaced every 10 years

Outdoor Items

  • Driveways should be replaced every 20-30 years
  • Exterior paint should be refreshed every 5-7 years
  • Wooden decks should be replaced every 20 years

For help with any plumbing maintenance, repairs, or replacements, contact Masterflo Plumbing today at (678) 822-7095!