Easy Plumbing Tips

Today we’re going to run through a few plumbing tips. The best part of these tips is that they’re easy and can save you a ton of time, money, and stress. Plumbing problems can hit you at any time and are usually unexpected. And of course- they usually occur at the most inopportune times. Its important to be prepared and have a few tricks up your sleeve so that you are more prepared to deal with the inevitable plumbing problem that pops up. The more prepared you are, the more likely you are to avoid a huge disaster.

Here are some plumbing tips every homeowner should know-

  • Make sure you know how to turn off the water to your sink, toilet, and main water source. If you’ve sprung a leak it is vital that you know how to turn off the water to prevent further damage. And don’t forget- righty tighty lefty loosey.
  • Be familiar with the different types of plungers and which ones to use where. For inks you should use a bowl shaped rubber plunger. Plungers that should be used for toilets have an additional piece of rubber that allow it to get inside the opening of the toilet.
  • Don’t use an auger if you aren’t a professional plumber so that you can avoid damaging your pipes. On that note, don’t do any fancy DIY plumbing if you aren’t a trained professional! While trying to save money you can inadvertently cause additional damage costing you additional money.
  • Don’t use the chemical drain cleaners sold at the store as they are harmful to your plumbing system! Instead, if you’ve got to use something, use an all natural combination of baking soda and vinegar. Pour in half a cup of baking soda followed by a half cup of vinegar. Once the fizzing stops, pour hot water down the drain to flush it. If this doesn’t work, try plunging. If you still can’t clear the clog, its time to call a professional plumber.
  • Keep up with your septic tank maintenance. Its one of those things that gets forgotten about, but if your septic tank backs up you’ll end up with a major problem on your hands! Have your tank checked out by a professional yearly and don’t plant anything with roots over or near your lines.
  • Lastly- make sure to find a plumber you can trust BEFORE you have a problem and keep their number handy! Plumbing problems can escalate quickly.

Following these tips can potentially save you time, money, and keep you from dealing with a huge headache! For a trusted, experienced plumber in the metro Atlanta area call Masterflo today at (678) 822-7095! Remember, you can call us anytime day or night- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!



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