How To Caulk A Toilet

How To Caulk A Toilet 

After a long, hot, dry summer, cooler, rainy weather is finally here! Here in Cherokee County it seems as though we’ve gone straight from summer to winter, so many of us are spending less time outdoors. Since we’re all spending less time outside, its time to turn our focus indoors. More time indoors sometimes equals more DIY plumbing projects. Today we’re going to make your DIY plumbing list a little bit easier by talking about how to caulk a toilet. 

toilet-repair-services-canton-gaToilets should always be caulked to the floor in order to prevent any movement of the toilet. When a toilet moves, the wax seal could get broken and water can collect under the toilet and rot the floor. Oftentimes, homeowners will set a toilet and then caulk around the outside edge. This method generally isn’t strong enough to hold and it also leaves a large, visible line of caulk. Read on to find out how to caulk a toilet!

How To Caulk A Toilet

  • Set the toilet in place, making sure its square against the wall
  • Use masking tape to make an outline of the toilet on the floor
  • Remove the toilet and lay it on its side
  • Measure the depth and width of the gluing edge of the bowl
  • Use your caulk gun to apply caulk directly to the floor using the depth you measured in the previous step
  • Install the wax ring
  • Lower your toilet onto the floor
  • Stand on the toilet to make sure its properly adhered to the wax ring
  • Use a paper towel to clean up any extra caulk

If you find yourself with extra time on your hands and want to tackle a DIY plumbing project, our post should make it easy for you to learn how to caulk a toilet. For any plumbing projects you don’t want to tackle yourself or for any emergency plumbing problems, call Masterflo Plumbing today at (678) 822-7095!

Quick and Easy Plumbing Fixes

Having a plumbing problem is always an inconvenience. No one ever wants to be faced with plumbing problems- especially near the holidays! Generally plumbing problems result in calling a professional plumber and sometimes spending hundreds (or thousands!) of dollars for a solution. 

While its almost certain that you will face a number of plumbing problems throughout your life time, the good news is that there are many common plumbing problems that can be solved fairly easily and without a plumber. If its not a problem that can be solved completely on your own, there are some things you can do to prevent the problem from worsening and causing further damage. 

In an effort to save you some time, money, and frustration this holiday season, we’re going to talk about some quick and easy plumbing fixes! While there are hundreds of plumbing problems that can plague a homeowner, these are some of the most common. 

quick and easy plumbing fixes

Hot Water Heater Problems

No hot water? Or do you have luke warm water? Are you running out of hot water too quickly?

  • Make sure your pilot light is lit
  • Double check your temperature setting
  • If you’ve got a big family or you use unusually large amounts of hot water, you may need a larger hot water heater or a second hot water heater installed

Clogged Drain

Is your drain clogged up? Is the water backing up into your sink?

  • Try not to pour hot grease or oils down your sink drain
  • If its already backed up, try to use a different sink
  • Don’t use chemical drain cleaners that you find in the store
  • Try using a plunger to move the clog

Stinky Drains

Do you cringe every time you’re near your sink? Are there foul odors coming out of your drains?

  • If you have a garbage disposal run it every time you put food in it
  • Try pouring vinegar and baking soda down the drain and flushing it with hot water

Leaky Pipes

Do you see water damage on your floors, walls, or ceilings? Do you hear a leak coming from your pipes?

  • Leaky pipes occur due to age
  • If you notice a leak shut off the water supply to that area
  • Pipe repair should only be done by a licensed, professional plumber

If these quick and easy plumbing fixes don’t solve your plumbing problem, you need to call a professional plumber. At Masterflo Plumbing we have a team of professional plumbers who have the knowledge, training, and experience necessary to deal with your plumbing problems quickly and correctly the first time! Don’t let plumbing problems add to your stress just before Christmas, give us a call at (678) 822-7095!

8 Steps To Prevent Frozen Pipes

8 Steps To Prevent Frozen Pipes

Plumbing problems never seem to come at a convenient time, but not having hot water during the harsh winter months is the ultimate in inconvenient plumbing problems. Besides being inconvenient, frozen pipes can present serious compromises to the health, safety, and integrity of your family and your home and property! Frozen pipes plague millions of Americans each year, and if you live in an area that sees freezing temperatures during the winter, you are at risk of having frozen pipes. Although north Georgia sees milder winters than some places in the United States, many homeowners here still end up with frozen pipes. 

Don’t get stuck with frozen pipes and no hot water this winter, just follow our 8 steps to prevent frozen pipes!


8 Steps To Prevent Frozen Pipes- 

  1. Insulate pipes that are in colder areas of your home with foam.
  2. Wrap pipes that are at risk of freezing with heater tape.
  3. Seal any gaps in insulation near your pipes.
  4. Replace older plumbing.
  5. Call a professional plumber to reroute plumbing that is exposed to the elements.
  6. During particularly freezing temperatures, allow warm air to circulate around pipes in cooler areas of your home. This may mean opening cabinet doors or opening the door to your basement or your garage from your main living space.
  7. Consider keeping the temperature in your home slightly warmer than normal overnight when outside temperatures drop the most drastically.
  8. Turn on your faucets to allow a slow drip overnight. This will ensure that water continues to flow through your pipes.

While these 8 steps can surely help prevent frozen pipes, nothing is guaranteed! If you find that your pipes are frozen and you are without hot water, call a plumber immediately! Many times frozen pipes can be fixed easily and without resulting in any problems, but sometimes frozen pipes can cause major damage to your home and property.

For more information about the safety of you, your family, and your home during freezing winter temperatures, read more from the Red Cross.

For an emergency plumber in your area, call Masterflo Plumbing immediately at (678) 822-7095! We’re on call for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Buying A Home: Plumbing Warning Signs

Buying A Home: Plumbing Warning Signs

Buying a home is an exciting process, but it can also be a stressful and daunting one! There are so many steps to take, documents to get in order, checklists to go through, and things to look at. Once you’ve purchased a home you can’t simply return it like a pair of shoes, so its important to do your due diligence before you sign on the dotted line. 
Buying a home with pre existing plumbing problems could turn into a huge headache for you. Fortunately, even if you’re not a professional plumber there are a few plumbing warning signs you can look for as you walk through your home. Today we’re going to talk about a few of these warning signs and the potential implications they can have.
buying a home

Plumbing Warning Signs:

  • Foundation problems. Cracks in the foundation or basement don’t always mean there’s a plumbing problem, but it could be a possibility! Cracks in the foundation can mean there’s a leak somewhere and can greatly compromise the integrity of your home, putting your family’s safety at risk.
  • Bug problems. Here in north Georgia, its nearly impossible to get away from the bugs! However, too many bugs can be a sign of a problem. Some bugs breed and thrive near standing water. If you notice bugs, particularly mosquitoes, that seem to be thriving at your new home, double check for any odd sources of standing water. Standing water can indicate a leak or poor drainage.
  • Random patches of fresh paint. Sometimes random patches of fresh paint can indicate that the homeowner has simply painted over a small nail hole. Other times, it can be the first sign of a larger problem. If there has been a water leak in the ceiling or walls, it may take more than fresh paint to completely repair all the damage.
  • Foul odors. Some bad smells can be a passing fluke, but others can indicate a larger problem. Pre existing plumbing problems like leaks, septic tank problems, or sewer problems can cause foul odors. These problems should not be overlooked as they can be quite costly to fix.
  • Poor drainage around the home. Its important to try and check out a home you’re thinking of buying after its rained. Poor drainage around your home can potentially cause problems for your landscaping and your home’s foundation. Its important to make sure that the grading of the lot allows rain water to drain away from the home. Its also important to check out the gutters and make sure they’re installed and working properly.
  • Mold. Mold doesn’t always come from a plumbing leak, but it certainly can! If you notice mold its crucial to find out the source to see if it will be a continuing problem that needs to be addressed.

If you’ve recently purchased a new home and need a professional plumber that you can count on day or night, make sure to call Masterflo Plumbing! We’re locally owned and operated and are here for your plumbing needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Give us a call at (678) 822-7095!

10 Pool Safety Tips

10 Pool Safety Tips

Spending time at the pool is a great way to keep your kids active during the summer and can help prevent your kids from uttering those two words every parent dreads hearing- “I’m bored!”. Hanging out at the pool is always a family favorite and is a great pastime for all members of your family no matter how old they are.pool-safety-tips
Although spending time at the pool is the perfect family friendly summer activity, it does come with certain risks. Nearly 400 children drown each year in the United States, and 58% of those drownings occur in pools. This is a scary statistic, but it shouldn’t keep you from soaking up some sun and enjoying your family poolside this summer!
Today we’re bringing you some pool safety tips that can help keep you and your family safe all summer long. Whether you have your own pool or you’re hanging out at a neighborhood pool or a public pool, its important to take all the necessary precautions and safety measures. 

10 Pool Safety Tips-

1. Swim lessons! Swim lessons are a great way to keep your kids safe at the pool. A child who knows how to swim is at a significantly lower risk of drowning than a child who can’t swim. You can start swim lessons with babies as young as 6 months!
2. Supervise, supervise, supervise! Always make sure there is at least one set of responsible eyes on your kids when they are in or near a pool! While one set of eyes is a must, two sets are even better! You can never have enough supervision when it comes to pool time.
3. Know CPR! This is a life saving tip that everyone should know! Check with your local county rec center, fire department, or Red Cross chapter to find a CPR class.
4. Create physical barriers. If you have your own pool, installing fences and other physical barriers is a great way to prevent young kids from accidentally falling into your pool.
5. Create pool time rituals. If you create a process your child has to go through before entering the pool (swim diaper, swim suit, sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, life vest, etc.) it can hinder them from making impulse decisions and jumping into the pool on a whim.
6. Teach your kids to swim without flotation devices! Flotation devices definitely serve an important purpose, but when you’re actively trying to teach your kids how to tread water, stay afloat, or swim, its important that they learn these skills without the assistance of flotation devices.
7. Forget the goggles. This may seem counter intuitive, but teaching your kids (and yourself!) to be comfortable looking around under water can be crucial. If your child is comfortable opening his or her eyes under water, it will help them feel less disoriented if they do accidentally fall into the water.
8. Blow bubbles! Teach your kids to put their face underwater and blow bubbles in the bathtub. This encourages your kids to not inhale or drink the water in the pool.
9. Set some rules. You should always have pool rules that your kids are familiar with. If you have guests over, no matter how old your guests are, you should make sure your guests are familiar with your pool rules, too.
10. Use proper flotation devices. If you and your kids are on a boat or any other type of watercraft or are in an open body of water, life vests are a must!
Following our 10 pool safety tips can help ensure that you and your family have a safe, fun filled summer at the pool this year. Don’t let plumbing tasks around the house take the fun out of your summer. Relax with your friends and family at the pool and contact Masterflo Plumbing today for all your residential plumbing needs! Give us a call at (678) 822-7095!

Drought In Georgia: Water Saving Tips

Drought In Georgia: Water Saving Tips

According to the AJC, Georgia is in a severe drought that is continuing to expand. Most places in Georgia are down approximately 2″ in rain so far this year. You can always monitor the severity of the drought in your area by using the United States Drought Monitor. So far, there are no imposed water restrictions, but that doesn’t mean we should ignore the fact that we are in a drought. Doing your part to conserve water is important all year long, but especially during a drought. Following some water saving tips can have an ecological impact and can also have an economical impact by saving you money on your water bill. Let’s all help fight through the drought in Georgia and follow some water saving tips this year!


Water Saving Tips:

  1. Install water saving shower heads and try to keep your showers under 5 minutes each.
  2. Only run full loads in your washing machine and your dishwasher.
  3. Don’t use your toilet as a trash can as this results in extra flushes each day.
  4. Install a low flow toilet.
  5. Don’t leave the water running while you’re brushing your teeth, shaving, or doing dishes.
  6. Water your garden, yard, or other plants during the times when there will be minimal water evaporation such as early in the morning or late at night.
  7. Don’t let your tap run while you’re waiting for cooler water, instead keep some water refrigerated.
  8. Make sure to stay on top of your home’s plumbing system and check for leaks!

Do your part to try and follow these water saving tips during the drought in Georgia this year! If you check your plumbing system and find that you have plumbing leaks or want to learn more about ways you can install more eco friendly plumbing appliances, call the experts at Masterflo Plumbing today! (678) 822-7095!


Save Money On Your Water Bill

Save Money On Your Water Bill

Summer is halfway over, and if you’re like many parents, you may have noticed you’ve been spending more money than usual. Going on family vacations, taking your kids to participate in local activities, and summer camps all cost money! Keeping your kids engaged and occupied all summer is worth the extra spending, so today we’ve come up with some ways to help you save money in another area! Our tips all focus on ways that you can save money every month on your water bill. The only thing better than saving money is finding ways to save money consistently, every single month. At the end of the year you’ll be amazed at how much money you can save.

There are several easy ways for you to save money on your water bill each month, without compromising any safety, sanitation, or personal comfort for you or your family.


5 Ways To Save Money On Your Water Bill:

1) Install A Low Flow Toilet

Toilets now days are made to be super low flow, meaning they use less water per flush. If you’re doing some updating, renovating, or buying or building a new house consider installing low flow toilets. There are also ways to retro fit your existing toilet to make it use less water per flush. Also, don’t use the toilet as a trash receptacle and flush it each time you throw a piece of trash in it. Flushing the toilet uses approximately 5-7 gallons of water per flush, so less flushes = a great way for you to save money on your water bill.

2) Keep Up With Your Home Maintenance/Check for Leaks

We recommend having your plumbing checked yearly by a professional plumber. A professional is more likely to catch tiny plumbing leaks before they turn into large leaks. Catching leaks and repairing them before they get worse is a way to make sure you are consistently saving money on your water bill. Make sure to check your toilets, showers, and sink faucets for any sinks of leaks. Another great way to catch a leak is to check your water meter. Read your meter, then go two hours without using any water in your home. If after two hours your meter reading is different than it was before, then you’ve got a leak somewhere.

3) Consolidate your laundry loads and dishwasher loads

Only run your dishwasher or washing machine when you have a full load! Doing small, half loads that aren’t full can use tons of extra water. Also, skipping any pre-rinse cycles or additional rinse cycles can save you around 6 gallons of water per wash cycle. If you do have to run a partial load in your washing machine, make sure you change the settings to reflect the size of the load.

4) Take Shorter showers

Sometimes nothing beats a good, long, hot shower. However, limiting your shower to around 5 minutes is a good way to save money on your water bill every month. If you just love taking long showers and limiting your shower time isn’t an option for you, consider installing a water efficient shower head. Also remember that taking a shower instead of a bath is saving you approximately 50 gallons of water each day.

5) Be mindful of running water

Its a bad habit that many of us are guilty of- letting the water run. Try to be more mindful of wasting water by just letting the tap run. You may surprise yourself by how much water you are able to save just by turning off the faucet when its not absolutely necessary for it to be on. One great example is doing dishes- instead of letting the hot water run continuously while you’re doing dishes, try plugging up your sink and just filling it with hot, soapy water instead of letting the hot water run the whole time. Another great way to save money on your water bill is by turning off the water while you brush your teeth. Turning off the water while you brush your teeth can save you up to 25 gallons per month!

Follow these helpful hints to save money on your water bill every month! Don’t forget- if you need a trusted, professional plumber, Masterflo Plumbing is here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Call (678) 822-7095!

DIY Plumbing Repair

DIY Plumbing Repair

At some point, most of us will run into plumbing problems at home. If you are renting, this generally means you will call your landlord and have them take care of it. If you own your own home and are not a professional plumber, this can mean calling an experienced plumber out to your home to take care of the problem. Sometimes, this can result in you spending tons of money. Today we’re going to discuss some DIY plumbing repair tricks that you can attempt yourself before calling for professional reinforcements!

DIY plumbing repair

Unblock Traps- Undo the sink trap, remove the blockage, and reassemble the trap. Although some clogs can be fixed by using a snake, oftentimes the best way to remove the clog and prevent future clogs is to remove it entirely.

Fix Pesky Sink Clogs- Remove the spring tab from the drain plug, remove the ball valve from the trap, remove the pop up plug, then thoroughly remove all debris in the drain. Sink drain clogs are super common, and contrary to popular belief, its NOT a good idea to use chemical drain cleaners.

Leaky Pipes- Check your pipes periodically for signs of rust or lime scale. This can indicate that you may have a small leak. If left alone, small leaks can turn into big leaks which can cause lots of damage.

If you have a plumbing emergency or have tried these easy plumbing fixes and still find yourself with a plumbing problem, call your local, trusted professional plumbers at Masterflo Plumbing today- (678) 822-7095! 

Easy Plumbing Fixes

Easy Plumbing Fixes

Plumbing problems are never a good thing and can give many homeowners heat palpitations! Often, plumbing problems result in calling a professional plumber and sometimes spending hundreds (or thousands!) of dollars for a solution. Fortunately, we’ve got some easy plumbing fixes for you! 

While its almost certain that you will face a number of plumbing problems throughout your life time, the good news is that there are many common plumbing problems that can be solved fairly easily and without a plumber. If its not a problem that can be solved completely on your own, there are some things you can do to prevent the problem from worsening and causing further damage.

Today let’s take a look at some easy plumbing fixes!


Hot Water Heater Problems

No hot water? Or do you have luke warm water? Are you running out of hot water too quickly?

  • Make sure your pilot light is lit
  • Double check your temperature setting
  • If you’ve got a big family or you use unusually large amounts of hot water, you may need a larger hot water heater or a second hot water heater installed

Clogged Drain

Is your drain clogged up? Is the water backing up into your sink?

  • Try not to pour hot grease or oils down your sink drain
  • If its already backed up, try to use a different sink
  • Don’t use chemical drain cleaners that you find in the store
  • Try using a plunger to move the clog

Stinky Drains

Do you cringe every time you’re near your sink? Are there foul odors coming out of your drains?

  • If you have a garbage disposal run it every time you put food in it
  • Try pouring vinegar and baking soda down the drain and flushing it with hot water

Leaky Pipes

Do you see water damage on your floors, walls, or ceilings? Do you hear a leak coming from your pipes?

  • Leaky pipes occur due to age
  • If you notice a leak shut off the water supply to that area
  • Pipe repair should only be done by a licensed, professional plumber


If you live in Marietta, GA and are facing any of these common plumbing problems, call us today at (678) 822-7095! At Masterflo Plumbing we have a huge team of professional plumbers who have the knowledge, training, and experience necessary to deal with your plumbing problems correctly the first time!

Easy Plumbing Fixes

Easy Plumbing Fixes

At some point, most of us will run into plumbing problems at home. If you are renting, this generally means you will call your landlord and have them take care of it. Unfortunately, if you own your own home and are not a professional plumber, this often means calling an experienced plumber out to your home to take care of the problem. Sometimes, this can result in you spending tons of money. Today we’re going to discuss some easy plumbing fixes that you can attempt yourself before calling for professional reinforcements!


Unblock Traps- Undo the sink trap, remove the blockage, and reassemble the trap. Although some clogs can be fixed by using a snake, oftentimes the best way to remove the clog and prevent future clogs is to remove it entirely.

Fix Pesky Sink Clogs- Remove the spring tab from the drain plug, remove the ball valve from the trap, remove the pop up plug, then thoroughly remove all debris in the drain. Sink drain clogs are super common, and contrary to popular belief, its NOT a good idea to use chemical drain cleaners.

Leaky Pipes- Check your pipes periodically for signs of rust or lime scale. This can indicate that you may have a small leak. If left alone, small leaks can turn into big leaks which can cause lots of damage.

If you have a plumbing emergency or have tried these easy plumbing fixes and still find yourself with a plumbing problem, call your local, trusted professional plumbers at Masterflo Plumbing today- (678) 822-7095!