5 Facts About Water Heaters

5 Facts About Water Heaters

Your water heater is, perhaps, the most important appliance in your home! Although you may not think about it every day and you may not see it every day, chances are that you use it every day. Most of us never realize how vitally important our hot water heaters are until they break! Without a hot water heater, small things like cooking pasta, washing your hands, or doing laundry become daunting tasks.

Here are 5 fun facts you may not know about hot water heaters-

  1. Nearly 25% of the energy you use in your home goes towards heating your water. Because this is such a large portion of your energy bill, many people are opting to use more energy efficient models.
  2. Doing laundry and bathing use the most amount of hot water out of all the tasks hot water is used for.
  3. Using an electric hot water heater costs more than using a gas or propane powered one. You can speak to a professional plumber about making a change from electric to gas.
  4. Your hot water heater should be maintained on a regular basis in order to extend its life, as well as make sure its running as efficiently as possible.
  5. Many people assume tankless hot water heaters don’t leak or don’t need to be maintained like traditional hot water heaters. However, this is not true! Tankless hot water heaters can spring a leak, just like a traditional model.

tankless water heater repair

For all your hot water heater needs, call Masterflo Plumbing today at (678) 822-7095! If you’re in need of a new hot water heater, we can help you choose the right water heater for your needs and install it for you. If you’ve found yourself with no hot water and need an emergency visit, we’re available to come fix your hot water heater 24 hours a day 7 days a week. And finally, if you want to extend the life of your existing hot water heater and schedule a hot water heater maintenance visit, we’ve got you covered!




Water Heater Maintenance

Water Heater Maintenance

Finding yourself with no hot water or with a leaking hot water is every homeowner’s worst nightmare! Unfortunately, water heater problems generally plagued every home owner at some point. Winter has arrived, and its definitely not the time to find yourself without hot water. Water heater repair can be costly, and sometimes a broken water heater can cause additional damage to your home. Scheduling a regular water heater maintenance visit can ensure that you don’t find yourself without hot water this winter. It can also increase the lifespan of your hot water heater.

water heater maintenance

At Masterflo Plumbing we’d love to save you the hassle, headache, and expense of a broken water heater by conducting your water heater maintenance visit. So, what happens during a water heater maintenance visit?

Sediment Flushing

If you have a traditional storage tank water heater, you have a large storage tank that holds all of your water. As time goes by, sediment can build up along the bottom of the storage tank. After this sediment has had the chance to build up, it can become harder for the heating element to penetrate and heat the water. This can result in a very inefficient water heater, and you may end up with no hot water at all! During a routine maintenance visit, we’ll flush out the storage tank to get rid of any built up sediment before it has the opportunity to cause problems.

Anode Rod

The anode rod is a piece of your unit that protects the hot water heater from rust by degrading over time. If the anode rod is not replaced before it has the chance to degrade completely, its protection will be gone and your water heater will be subject to rust. During each routine hot water heater maintenance visit, we’ll check your anode rod to make sure its still functioning properly and doesn’t need to be replaced.

These are just a couple of things that will happen during a hot water heater maintenance visit. To learn more, call your local, trusted Canton, GA Plumber at (678) 822-7095. At Masterflo Plumbing, we’ve got the skills and experience necessary to keep your hot water heater maintained and repaired! Contact us today to schedule your visit.

water heater maintenance

Remember- the best way to prevent a broken water heater is to schedule regular water heater maintenance visits with your local, trusted Canton, GA plumber!


What To Do For Frozen Pipes

What To Do For Frozen Pipes

We’re waking up this morning in Cherokee County to frigid temperatures, blustery winds, and patches of ice on the roadways! Now that traditional winter temperatures and conditions are starting to show up, that may mean that your home is at risk for frozen pipes!

frozen pipes

Here are a few easy ways to prevent frozen pipes-

  1. Insulate any pipes exposed to cooler air. This can include pipes that run outside your home, in your basement, or in your attic.
  2. Use an insulating dome to cover outdoor faucets and spigots.
  3. Let your indoor faucets drip. This can reduce pressure in the pipes, which drastically lowers your chance of your pipes bursting.

frozen pipes

Although these prevention measures can greatly reduce your risk of frozen pipes in your home, these steps are not fool proof! Sometimes mother nature (and your home!) have others plans. In case your pipes DO freeze, here are some steps you can take to prevent damage to your home-

  1. Even if your pipes have frozen, keep your indoor faucets open. Once the pipes do begin to melt, allowing water to flow out of the faucets will reduce pressure in the pipes and allow them to melt more quickly.
  2. If you know the location of your frozen pipes, you can help speed up the melting process by applying heat with an electric heating pad applied to the pipes or by aiming an electric hair dryer at the pipes.
  3. Use an electric space heater aimed at the frozen pipes. Remember, if you choose to do this, do not leave the space heater unattended and keep it away from anything flammable.
  4. If you don’t know where your frozen pipes are or believe you may be at risk of damage to your home, call a professional plumber immediately!

For help with your frozen pipes or any other plumbing emergency this winter, call the trusted experts at Masterflo Plumbing at (678) 822-7095 or send us an email! No matter what the weather is like outside, we’re on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!


Winter Home Prep

Winter Home Prep

Winter Home Prep- Its the end of December, but for those of us in Georgia, the harshest winter weather is still ahead of us! January and February are traditionally the coldest months of the year and can bring freezing rain, sleet, ice, and snow. Getting your home prepared for winter is important for the safety and comfort of you and your family!

winter home prep

Follow our winter home prep checklist to make sure you, your family, and your friends stay safe and warm this winter!

  • A new door mat- During the course of the year, your doormat can get worn down and is no longer functional. A new door mat will encourage guests to wipe their feet and will help to reduce slips and falls.
  • Stock up on outdoor supplies- Make sure you have a snow shovel, and an ample supply of salt or sand BEFORE winter weather hits. If you wait till harsh weather hits your area, stores are likely to sell out of the supplies you need.
  • Focus on your home’s humidity- Dry air that occurs in your home during the winter can be damaging to your health and the health of your children. Consider purchasing a humidifier if you don’t already have one. If you do, make sure its clean and ready to be used.
  • Get your fireplace professionally cleaned- If you have a fireplace that you plan to use to heat your home during the winter, make sure you have a professional chimney sweep clean it for you first! This small step can drastically reduce your risk of having your home catch on fire or carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Clean your gutters- Having your gutters cleaned before winter weather hits will keep that winter precipitation flowing and can prevent clogged gutters. Clogged gutters can eventually lead to siding damage, gutter corrosion, and foundation damage.
  • Plug up all the leaks in your home- If you’ve got a leaky roof, a drafty window seal, or worn out weather stripping on a door, now is the time to fix all those leaks! Fixing all those holes can help keep you warm and will cut down on your winter utility bills.

Following these tips can help keep you safe and warm this winter! For any winter plumbing emergencies, make sure to contact Masterflo Plumbing today at (678) 822-7095!

How To Drain A Hot Water Heater In 4 Easy Steps

How To Drain A Hot Water Heater In 4 Easy Steps

Today we’re going to run through a few easy steps on how to drain a hot water heater. But first- why would you need to drain a hot water heater? Over time, sediment builds up in your hot water heater. This can lead to energy inefficiency, clogs, or eventually no hot water in your home! Draining your hot water heater each year as part of your yearly home maintenance is a good idea.

Here’s how to drain a hot water heater-


  1. Turn off the water supply- If its electric, turn off the power at the breaker box. If its gas, turn the thermostat to the pilot setting. Connect a drain hose to the valve near the thermostat and turn off the cold water supply.
  2. Drain the water- To prevent forming a vacuum, turn on one of the hot water faucets in your hosue (the tub, the sink, etc.). Open the drain valve on the hot water heater. Make sure the end of the hose that the hot water is draining out of is far away from anything that could be damaged by hot water.
  3. Get rid of any remaining sediment- Once all the hot water has drained out of the water heater, turn the cold water supply back on to flush out any sediment that remains in the hot water heater. Once all sediment has been washed out, close the drain valve and turn off the faucet inside your house. Make sure to read all the warning labels and instructions that go with your hot water heater- some hot water heaters need to remain full in order to prevent any damage.
  4. Check the pressure release valve- Turn your power supply back on once your tank has refilled. Once the temperature has come back up, check your pressure release valve by using the instructions that came with your hot water heater.

how to drain a hot water heater

Don’t forget- for the month of December, Masterflo Plumbing is offering you a great deal on water heater installation in Atlanta, GA! This month ONLY we will install a 40 gallon electric water heater for you for only $699! Don’t get stuck without hot water this winter! Call (678) 822-7095!

What Is A Tankless Water Heater?

What Is A Tankless Water Heater?

We’re willing to bet you’ve heard of a tankless water heater before, but do you really know what it is? Tankless water heaters are gaining in popularity and come with some great benefits.

A tankless water heater provides hot water as it is needed instead of holding on to a bunch of hot water that isn’t needed (which costs you extra money). Its a similar concept to running the heat in your home during the winter- if you aren’t home you don’t run it. If you don’t need the hot water, don’t heat it up. This simple concept can save you tons of energy and money on your utility bill. You can read more about the energy efficiency of tankless water heaters at Energy.gov.

Tankless water heaters work by heating water directly as opposed to heating up a stored tank of water. When a hot water faucet is turned on in your home, cold water travels through a pipe into the water heater unit. Tankless water heaters can be electric (an electric element heats the water) or gas (a gas burner heats the water).

Tankless water heaters provide hot water at a rate of 2-5 gallons per minute. While this is a great rate, some tankless water haters can’t keep up with the demand for hot water in a large household. To circumvent this problem, you can install two or more tankless water heaters to keep up with demand. Since you’re not paying extra money to heat water that isn’t needed, the only additional cost to you is the initial cost of the water heater. You can also install tankless water heaters that are designated for certain appliances.

Don’t get stuck without hot water or high energy bills this winter! Call Masterflo Plumbing today for your brand new tankless water heater at (678) 822-7095!

tankless water heater



8 Easy Steps To Prevent Frozen Pipes

Easy Steps To Prevent Frozen Pipes

Plumbing problems never seem to come at a convenient time, but not having warm water during the harsh winter months is the ultimate in inconvenient plumbing problems. Frozen pipes plague millions of Americans each year, and if you live in an area that sees freezing temperatures during the winter, your pipes are at risk of freezing. If your pipes freeze, you could end up without any hot water to your home!

Don’t get stuck with frozen pipes and no hot water this winter, just follow our 8 easy steps to prevent frozen pipes!


  1. Insulate pipes that are in colder areas of your home with foam.
  2. Wrap pipes that are at risk of freezing with heater tape.
  3. Seal any gaps in insulation near your pipes.
  4. Replace older plumbing.
  5. Call a professional plumber to reroute plumbing that is exposed to the elements.
  6. During particularly freezing temperatures, allow warm air to circulate around pipes in cooler areas of your home. This may mean opening cabinet doors or opening the door to your basement or your garage from your main living space.
  7. Consider keeping the temperature in your home slightly warmer than normal overnight when outside temperatures drop the most drastically.
  8. Turn on your faucets to allow a slow drip overnight. This will ensure that water continues to flow through your pipes.

While these 8 easy steps can surely help prevent frozen pipes, nothing is guaranteed! If you find that your pipes are frozen and you are without hot water, call a plumber immediately! Many times frozen pipes can be fixed easily and without resulting in any problems, but sometimes frozen pipes can cause major damage to your home and property.

For more information about the safety of you, your family, and your home during freezing winter temperatures, read more from the Red Cross.

For an emergency plumber in your area, call Masterflo Plumbing immediately at (678) 822-7095! We’re on call for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Water Heater Installation Special

Water Heater Installation Special

Don’t forget- for the month of December, Masterflo Plumbing is offering you a great deal on water heater installation in Atlanta, GA!

This month ONLY we will install a 40 gallon electric water heater for you for only $699!

Don’t get stuck without hot water this winter!

Plumbing Services Canton GA | Water Heater Repair Canton GA

At Masterflo Plumbing we’re bringing you deals that can’t be beat by trusted, professional plumbers you can count on! December will be over before you know it, so don’t hesitate to contact us today for your water heater installation in Atlanta, GA at (678) 822-7095!

Water Heater Installation Atlanta, GA

Water Heater Installation Atlanta, GA

For the month of December, Masterflo Plumbing is offering you a great deal on water heater installation in Atlanta, GA!

This month ONLY we will install a 40 gallon electric water heater for you for only $699!

canton ga plumber

December will be over before you know it, so don’t hesitate to contact us today for your water heater installation in Atlanta, GA at (678) 822-7095!

Canton, GA Leak Detection Services

Canton, GA Leak Detection Services

Plumbing leaks should be easy to detect- you see water dripping from a pipe and you know you’ve got a leak, so you call a plumber. Right? Sometimes it is that easy, but what about when you have a tiny pinhole leak? Or what about if you’ve got a leak in a pipe that’s not exposed?

Most of your plumbing system is hidden. Nearly all of the pipes that supply fresh water to your home or remove waste water are hidden behind drywall, studs, floorboards, concrete, or dirt. Fortunately, this means you don’t have to look at your plumbing system. However, it also means that you may have a hard time detecting some leaks. Even small leaks can turn into big problems, so its important that you make sure you know about any and all leaks and have them taken care of.

With winter coming, its especially important to make sure there are no hidden leaks in your home or on your property. A small leak can quickly become a big problem during the harsh winter weather and low temperatures.


The first sign of a leak is an increase in your water bill if you haven’t knowingly increased your water consumption. There may also be some outward signs such as discolored spots on your walls, warped floor boards, or an increase in the humidity in your home. If you notice any of these signs, call a plumber immediately as it may be time for some professional leak detection. Leaks that are occurring in hidden pipes have to be detected and repaired by a professional before they cause major damage to your home or property.

While some of the outward signs of a leak may give you a general idea about where the leak is, actually reaching the pipes can be problematic unless you’re a professional plumber. Sometimes, in order to reach a leak, you may have to cut through drywall, break through concrete, or dig through large amounts of earth. This can cost tons of money and could also create more damage than the leaky pipe. In order to avoid large amounts of excavation, its best to have a professional come pinpoint the exact location of the leak. If the leak is small enough, even if its hidden, a professional plumber may be able to fix it without doing any excavation.

Plumbers can perform leak detection in a variety of way. Most of these ways employ the use of technology such as acoustic listening devices, ground microphones (these can detect the sound of water leaving the pipes) and pressure detectors (these find areas of rising pressure coming from leaks).

Perhaps the most effective way to find a hidden leak is by using video pipe inspection equipment. Video pipe inspection equipment uses miniature cameras mounted on the ends of fiber-optic cables that can be run down a water or sewer line. The image from the camera is then fed back to a monitor so your plumber can find the exact location of the leak. Being able to view the leak will also allow your plumber to determine its exact size and magnitude.

Trying to detect and fix a hidden leak on your own can be tricky and can result in further damage. If you’ve got a hidden leak, your best choice is to call the professionals right away! At Masterflo Plumbing we have the technology, skills, and experience necessary to find your leak and find a solution for you.

For Canton, GA leak detection services, Contact us today at (678) 822-7095, 24 hours a day 7 days a week, for all your plumbing needs!