Bathroom Plumbing Tips

Do you want to avoid bathroom plumbing repairs? Of course….who doesn’t? Plumbing repairs can sometimes be costly, and are always inconvenient! Bathroom plumbing repairs in particular always seem to occur at the worst possible time. After all, if your bathroom plumbing isn’t working properly, its not something you can ignore. Most of us need our bathroom plumbing to be working in tip top shape every day! If you let your broken bathroom plumbing fester, you can end up with a huge sanitation disaster on your hands.

Bathroom Plumbing Tips Canton, GA

Because bathroom plumbing problems are such an inconvenience for any homeowner, we’ve compiled a list of helpful bathroom plumbing tips that can help you avoid needing repairs!

  1. Use a drain cover. The main cause of drain clogs in the shower or bathroom sink is too much hair. Hair can get stuck to pipes that are covered in sludge, or the hairs can gather in the the curved section of the pipe below your sink. Hair clog in the bathroom happen to all of us at one point or another! Having a drain cover that prevents all this excess hair from going down the pipes can save you some serious hassle.
  2. Don’t use store bought, liquid drain cleaner! Contrary to popular belief, these drain cleaners are not the answer to all your clog problems! Most of us try to solve the pesky clogged drain problem by going out to the store and buying one of the many liquid drain cleaners on the market. These chemicals are actually not that great at dissolving most clogs, and they can also damage your pipes which will lead to further costly repairs. Also, these cleaners can cause serious injury to your skin or eyes if not used properly. If you’ve got a tough clog that can’t be removed by a snake or plunger, it may be time to call in the professionals.
  3. Use a water softener. Using a water softener is another way to help prevent your bathroom plumbing from harm. Hard water has an excess of minerals, and these minerals can gather in your bathroom pipes and collect until your water pressure is significantly reduced. If this is allowed to occur, you’ll have to call a professional plumber to come descale your pipes, or if the damage is too significant you may need total pipe replacement.
  4. Schedule yearly plumbing maintenance. Scheduling a yearly visit from your plumber is a great way to keep your bathroom plumbing maintained and in good shape. A yearly maintenance visit from a plumber you trust will include a thorough pipe cleaning and inspection. This can prevent seemingly sudden, severe plumbing problems from creeping up on you!

Bathroom Plumbing Tips | Canton, GA Plumber Masterflo Plumbing

Following these bathroom plumbing tips can help save you a lot of time, money, and hassle! If you do happen to find yourself with a plumbing problem, call the trusted experts at Masterflo Plumbing! Remember- you can reach us any time 24 hours a day, 7 days a week no matter what kind of plumbing problem you find yourself facing. Call us today at (678) 822-7095!

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