Pipe Corrosion: What You Need To Know
Copper is now the main material used to make modern day plumbing pipes. Copper is sturdy and resilient and will last for a long time. Not only is it a great material, its also cost effective! If modern day copper plumbing pipes are maintained well, they can last for nearly 100 years! Fortunately, your plumbing system is built to last!
While copper pipes are extremely resilient, they aren’t fool proof. Pipe corrosion can drastically shorten the life of your pipes, threatening the lifespan of your plumbing system. With regular plumbing maintenance, pipe corrosion doesn’t have to be a threat to your plumbing system.
There are two main types of pipe corrosion. Hopefully, you’ll never have to deal with pipe corrosion, but let’s take a look at the two types that could threaten your pipes!

2 Types Of Pipe Corrosion-
1. Formicary Corrosion– Formicary corrosion is more commonly call “ants nest corrosion”. This type of pipe corrosion is causted by the interaction of formaldehyde particles in the air coming into contact with your copper pipes. Formaldehyde can eat tiny tunnels through the copper, which weakens the metal. If the metal is weakened, it becomes susceptible to pinhole leaks and larger leaks. Formicary corrosion is nearly impossible to see, so keeping up with your annual plumbing maintenance is extremely important! If formicary corrosion has begun to occur in your pipes, catching leaks early is key.
2. Pitted Corrosion– Pitted corrosion is focused on a much smaller area of the pipes than formicary corrosion. Pitted corrosion is caused by chlorine particles interacting with the copper pipes instead of formaldehyde particles. Because pitted corrosion affects a smaller area of pipe, it can lead to corrosion and leaks much more quickly than formicary corrosion. Pitted corrosion can quickly lead to pinhole leaks. If pinhole leaks aren’t caught early on, they can turn into larger leaks or cause rotting. Fortunately, pitted corrosion can be seen and detected! Its incredibly important to have your pipes inspected annually to check for this type of pipe corrosion.
While pipe corrosion can seem like a scary monster just waiting to eat away at your pipes, having your pipes regularly inspected by a professional plumber can keep the problem at bay! If you haven’t had your pipes inspected this year for pipe corrosion, now is the time to act! Give us a call today at (678) 822-7095!
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