Garbage Disposal Problems

The garbage disposal is the hero of the kitchen. Think back to the last time you had to dig bits of old food out of a kitchen sink that wasn’t equipped with a garbage disposal- this memory surely makes you appreciate your garbage disposal! We often don’t think of our garbage disposals until they have problems, but your garbage disposal is a hard working plumbing convenience that you definitely don’t want to be without. Garbage disposal problems need to be dealt with quickly and professionally or a small problem could turn into a much larger one. Calling a trusted, professional plumber is your best bet for getting your garbage disposal fixed correctly and promptly.

Here are three garbage disposal problems that are, unfortunately, quite common:

  1. No power. Most of us never stop to think about it, but garbage disposals run on electricity similar to many other kitchen appliances. If the electrical supply to your garbage disposal gets interrupted, it won’t work. Your garbage disposal can also become overloaded by a power surge. If this happens, your garbage disposal will automatically shut off to avoid burning out. Most garbage disposals have a red reset button on the bottom. If you press your reset button and your garbage disposal begins working again, you don’t need a professional plumber. If it doesn’t, call a plumber right away!
  2. A jam. Most of us take full advantage of our garbage disposals by sending anything and everything down them without a second thought. There are some things, however, that should never be put down a garbage disposals. This list includes chicken bones, peach pits, vegetable peelings from carrots and potatoes, and kitchen utensils or other foreign objects. If any of these things make their way down your garbage disposal, you can find yourself with a serious clog that will result in a jam. Although its tempting, you should never try to dislodge a jam yourself because you can seriously injure your fingers. A professional plumber is trained to adjust the masher plate and safely dislodge the jam.
  3. Leaks. Just like any other piping in your home, your garbage disposal can spring a leak! Sometimes these leaks come from breached hoses, loose fittings, or faulty seals. Its imperative to call a plumber right away if you notice a leak coming from your garbage disposal. A small leak can quickly turn into a larger one and can cause major damage to your home resulting in costly repairs.

If you have any of these common garbage disposal problems, call the experienced professionals at Masterflo Plumbing immediately at (678) 822-7095! Continuing to use your garbage disposal if you have noticed a problem can result in the whole unit needing to be replaced, so don’t hesitate to call us! Remember, we’re always available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! We’ve got the skills and experience necessary to restore your garbage disposal to working condition!


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